Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas day 2008

Well, how do I express my feelings, Dad always loved Christmas, I did not. He made sure we had presents under the tree even when we had no money, he cooked special dinners and made his famous fudge, yum, yum.

This Christmas Day, I'm cooking a ham and remembering the sounds of Mom and Dad in the kitchen, laughing and arguing about how much of this and that to put into the meal, the sounds and smells of Christmas, tho this is not my favorite time of year, this year I honor my parents, listening to carols and reflecting on the good times we had when I was young.

We have Christmas snow this morning so that makes it special, Dad always wished for a white Christmas.

We are blessed as a family and to have had two such special people in our life makes this road we travel that much more enjoyable.

Merry Christmas Mom and Dad!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Chris Rice: Untitled Hymn

Song for Sunday, December 17, 2008: Dedicated to Rev. William R. Cooke (Papa):

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Song for Sunday December 7 (Just a couple days late)

Life just has not been simple lately.

I thought I was back to having a song for Sunday. Then once again, life decided to change my plan. On Saturday evening HubbyHoney's dad ended up in the hospital. So Sunday, I was not thinking at all about the blog.

He was at a Christmas party when he experienced dizziness and then vomiting. He was taken to the emergency room at the local hospital. It was believed he had an anurisun (sp). He was then transferred to the medical center at Stanford University. The bleeding in his head has now apparently stopped on its own, and the hospital is just keeping him to observe to be sure. At this time he is stable and hopefully getting out of ICU this evening.

Once again it is time to thank everyone for their prayers.

Hopefully next Sunday there will once again be a song.

Monday, December 1, 2008


One good thing about having a building fall on me is that I get to work at home. A real, legitimate, job at home. After the horse shelter collapsed on me, my boss and I had talked about how I could still do my work. He and the board president decided the easiest thing would be for me to have my work computer here at home. Hubby Honey could pick up and deliver the work.

My dream come true. As my son said, "Mom, seems you could have found an easier way to be able to work at home. Having a building fall on you seems a bit extreme."

I would have to agree, but it worked. In no way did I plan for this to happen. I'll sure take the good with the bad though.

So working at home. Ahhhhh! I still don't have all my energy, guess my bones are taking some of it to heal. But still, I could get used to this. Last week I put in a little over eighteen hours . Today, about four. Doesn't sound like many hours. But no distractions. All that time was on work. No chit chat with talkative employees. I won't mention any names. No office full of people not talking to me, but being disruptive. Ahhhhhh! If only I can find a way to make this permanent.

I could even see my horses out the window. I actually have a window to see out of. My office at work is basically in a big closet. No windows! I am a claustrophobic. I have a hard time without a window. I had been dealing with it, but sure prefer being able to see what's happening outside.

Hubby Honey just brought me dinner. Guess I'll go eat. I mean sit here and eat. No, I am not getting spoiled. Well, yes I am, but this part I really don't like. We always do the meal thing together. I will be very glad to be able to be back to sharing all the chores this place of ours requires.

Countdown: Five more weeks to putting pressure on my leg.

Thanks again for all the prayers.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Santus Real: Whatever You're Doing

Song for Sunday, November 30, 2008

Saturday, November 29, 2008

I'm Alive!

Reno Gamma here. I know it's been awhile since I've been here to add to the blog. Hubby Honey (Gimpa Jon) has had to take over for a little while.

I am here today only by the grace of God. Hubby Honey and I are truly blessed! I am alive! Someday I may go into detail about how it feels to know I came really close to not being around anymore. Maybe the day I am finally able to take a walk with Hubby Honey and go take a look at the horse shelter that collapsed on me. I feel that will be a pretty emotional day.

Is this the end of my horse life? I hope not. I may never ride again, but I can still be involved with them. My neighbor says in eight weeks she is bringing her nice, calm mare down here, and we are going for a ride in the desert. I don't know about that. Wish I could say yes, loud and clear, YES! But, I can't. Being hurt is not fun. Oh, to be young again. To be able to fall down and get right back up and try again. But, I am not giving up, I am just getting up alot slower, taking alot more time to decide about the trying again. Somewhere inside I do feel like I will be back up on another horse. It wasn't a horse that did this to me. It's that fear factor of getting hurt again. Being on a horse there is always a possibility for an accident. Post tramatic stress syndrome? I'm sorry I don't sound very "up" today. But, I am alive! I will walk again. I am very happy!

I really want to thank all of you who prayed for me. Hope you all are having a great Thanksgiving Day Weekend.

Reno Gamma

Friday, November 28, 2008

Where Do I Start?

What a time we have had around here! As all our family knows we had a "No Good Very Bad Day" Nov 8 the day that at least around here will live in infamy!!!

We managed to move the blasted horse shelter some 50 ft. and then the last 2 inches got us, down it came. I managed to act like a 7th grade football player doing the monkey roll, only Reno Gamma wasn't as lucky as me. I got hit in the back of the foot while she, she got crushed under the entire thing!

Now for the "Rest of the story" The SCREAM, that sound will haunt me for the rest of my life, my wife, my beloved wife was trapped!!! I knew in an instant that she was hurt and being as clostraphobic as she is time was out of the question. Her biggest fear in life is being trapped some where that she can't see out of, or move.

"Jon Get Me Out Of Here!!!" Those were her exact words, as I came sliding to a stop next to where she was pinned I could see her face down and folded up like, I don't know how to describe it, it just looked unatural.

I tried to lift the roof but was not able, I grabbed a pole and with the help of 1000 or more angels managed to lift the roof just enough that Gamma was able to crawl out, one arm and one leg of no use and all I could do was lift and PRAY.

Now the real work started, first thing was to make sure she wasn't bleeding to death, nothing,nada so I gathered up our 2 helpers, Buster and Bear they were still in the pen with us and I had to get Gamma up to the house which would mean opening up the pen. God bless those 2 it was as if they knew something was wrong, they walked calmly to where I opened up Cookie's pen and she just stood there no running and bucking as would be the norm, just stood still while Buster and Bear came in for a visit.

I got the hay cart and pulled Gamma up to the house.

The dogs, what about the dogs. Bob, well he was going to make sure that Gamma was ok, thats his self appointed job, mamas protecter, the rest of them well they just want to help, in any way possible( mostly they are just in the way) I simply walked to the door to the back room and they all followed, just walked in and then Gamma could get into the house.

The steps! How do you get up the steps into the house when one arm doesn't work and one leg just hangs there? One butt cheek at a time.

In the house I was able to get a better look at her shoulder, that was all she would let me see, "Don't touch my knee" This was bad I figured she either had a broken collar bone or a dislocated shoulder. ER time.

How do get down the steps with one arm and one leg that just hangs there? One butt cheek at a time.

Fast forward, 12 hours latter we found out the whole story. Broken collar bone, shoulder blade and rib on the right side and crushed knee on the left side. Xrays and CAT scans,the same things they do for car wrecks, seat belts will do the same damage, but to the Dr's. amazement no internal injuries, no bleeding into the lungs and liver, kidneys working normal and no signs of damage to the heart muscle.

Back to the house and again I ask the same question, but you already know the answer. One butt cheek at a time.

Now what? What can we do? How do we do what we do? Well, we figured out how to do the normal things in life, I can cook for her, she can eat, I can feed all the critters (even change the cat box) ahh but going pee... well that took a bit of creative thinking, no I will spare you the details but think about it how do you when you don't have a bed pan and can't get on one anyway?

Surgey has come and gone, a steel plate and 8 screws latter, 16 staples removed and physical therapy started, a wheel chair and a path aroud the house, oh and by the way ONE TOUGH OLD BIRD cooks her own breakfast and lunch while I'm at work and is working her job at home, left handed and in a wheel chair that she runs around in opening doors for the dogs and getting people their pay checks, requesting little and doing a lot. God I love her!

6 weeks, just 6 weeks then the world had best watch out cause Reno Gamma will be back on her feet and me well I can go back to doing my part of the deal without worring about doing her part too, but most of all I will be able to hug her when I want and won't have to worry about bumping her arm in the middle of the night, I'll be able to hug her!

In the mean time, I'm off to fix nachos, the guacamole mix is in the fridge, how it will taste I have no clue,Gamma makes that, I did my best to follow the directions and well I need a little help on picking out the avacodos!

Happy Thanksgiving, We are blessed and so are you!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Third Day: The Tunnel

Song for Sunday, November 2, 2008

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Another Song for Sunday

I found this song one day when I was flipping through radio stations just trying to find something, anything that reached my (soul?). Something that calmed and soothed. This song definitely did. I've been with that station every since that day. I've even given a monthly pledge to keep them (hopefully) on the air. The station is KLOVE. Don't know if it's in your area, but talks to me everyday. Supports my faith, and keeps my faith. Songs like this, well, what can I say?

Song for Sunday

OK this one is for me, Gimpa, I know the story is sad, but the meaning hits home. It Is Well With My Soul! Anything that comes along a river of peace will bring comfort and when you walk thru Hell it will work out

This is for HubbyHoney (GimpaJon) because of what is going on with his job right now.

Saturday, October 25, 2008


I got home Monday from a visit to my dads and what a welcome I got. The dogs greeted me like a lost people, even BB came running up for a scratch and pet, the puppy about killed me with her joy, what a great feeling, well alittle pain from all the bites and scratches, but just the same a warm welcome home.

I got home before Rindy, but when she got home we went for a walk, the dogs bouncing and barking the horses running and bucking, what a sight and feeling. It's great to visit kin folk but even better to be home.

Feeding time was special too Cookie took care to take a big bite of hay out of my hand and Buster and Bear bounced around like they were new foals again stirring up a cloud of dust. Even Fitzin was glad to see me, good to be missed by the ones you love and the ones that love you, even if it is only at feeding time!

Good to be home!

Oh Gamma brought home another treasure and we have been working on it today . Pictures will be posted as soon as I get new BATT%$#ES how I hate that, dead $%&&$%(!@ when you want to take pictures( you should see the one I want to take of the puppy, sorry)

Well enough excitement for now, other than to welcome a new member to the Cooke clan today a baby girl Isabella Marie Cooke, welcome.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A visit to Dads

I got home yesterday after a few days visiting my dad, we had a good time and Jonathan and Kristen brought William up to visit also. Jonathan and I spent the better part of the day working on replacing some plastic in Grandpas poarch windows, alot of help from a young man goes along way(yes I'm still stiff and sore) William, I prefer to call him Lil Bear, and I had a great time playing all kinds of games and chasing each other around the house. It took him awhile to warm up to me, he hasn't seen me for a long time, but once he realized I was ok we got along great.(THIS WOULD BE A HINT TO ALL IT'S BEEN TO LONG SINCE WE'VE SEEN GRAND KIDS) that was just a side note.

Back to the story. Some how I beat Gamma home and was greeted like a long lost people by the dogs,(got the scratches to prove it) even the cats seemed to be glad I was home, they both slept on my feet all night long. Cookie greeted me mouth wide open waiting for her hay and Buster and Bear stomped and snorted, I guess I was slow with their hay, anyway it's great to be home and Gamma was glad to see me too, she jumped out of her truck and gave me, well, we will leave it at that.

We put the first coat of varnish on the sec. desk today and it looks good we will post pictures when it dries and we have it back in the house.

Part Two: sub title Bellas Big Day:

Today Bella was allowed to be a big dog, she got to be outside for a couple of hours with the other dogs and no people(well we did keep an eye on her) she got to go down to the horse pens with BB and Niki and pick a few apples out(could be an interesting night) run after some birds and bark at Cookie when she did't go where Bella thought she should. Cookie laughed. The door is wide open with the wind from the north and the sun from the west, alas tired and happy Bella is sound asleep under the bed.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Sunday Visitors

You have family, step-family, in-laws, out-laws, and rif raf. These guys are the rif raf. The coyotes, not the horses.

Finally got these guys on camera.

These are our occasional visitors. Reluctantly, we let them come in for water. We had some snow this weekend (just a little), but before that, we hadn't had any measurable rain for about four months. Could we really chase them away? They only come for the water.

Just hope they don't end up with more than the water. We keep a very close eye on Bella, and the cats. And, actually, on Bob. He is getting pretty old, just like Gimpa and I. We all don't move quite as fast as we used to.

Need a Smile?

Here's one from God.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

My Sunday

I've been busy typing a disturbing story for a guy at work.

It's been a good day and a great weekend.

Oh oh, oh my. Got to go. Gimpa shaved. He has lips!

Sunday Night

Well it's Sunday Night, a day full of to much to eat!!! Boy was that good.

Bella is working on being a dog instead of a puppy, no bells tonite and this morning off the leash longer than normal.

gamma is busy typing a book for a guy she works with and me, I'm trying to get over the tri tip I cooked this afternoon,sleepy, oh yea kind of like Thanksgiving only I ate more.

William where are you? Gamma is trying to record a few shows to watch when I go to Great Grampas and you are the only one who has ever recorded anything on our sat. T.V.(we are still trying to get rid of Mattlock!!!)

We did get a little rain Fri. night and we had to light a fire yesterday(very early in the year for that, the fire I mean.)

Not much else to add other than tomarrow is Oct.6...I miss you MOM!!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Cease Fire, We Have Rain...Sort of

Ok Gamma and I have a cease fire going, forcast for rain... 130+ days without any will bring all sides together, ah alas a 3ft circle with only 37 drops in it(actual count) does not count as rain, rest assured the truce still stands but we are gathering allies against the evil weather man who keeps promising RAIN and delivers only drops...

I can't believe I pray for rain, the pollen around here is so thick you can see it and the desert floor is so dry I'm afarid to fa%$# for fear that I will add to the explosive enviorement.

Rain, Rain, if I could do a rain dance I would but as you all know by now I'm white(and proud of it) and I can't dance, or jump, not a step, but how I wish it would rain!

P.S. Bella thought all 37 drops were, well interesting, chase or run, didn't have much of a chance to decide, they dried up really fast, but that was the first time she had to shake rain off.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

"This Means War"

Many years ago I had passion for a group that had an album by the same name,but I'll take the liberty to use the title

Gamma fired the first shot and I will return fire, if only I could think of a list for her!

Gamma's list:
1Do the dishes, oh wait, I messed them up, sooooo...
2Laudry, wait,I do my own(my choice)
3OH THE H*&%with it I LOVE that Woman and I make more of a mess than she does!!!
4Finish your next book, Love the story line!

War is On

I'm back.

Now maybe we can't miss the HubbyHoney Do List.

Problem though. I think I started a war. HubbyHoney was just talkin bout a Gamma List.


Updated the HubbyHoney do List

Wow, the summer just zoomed by. It and Bella have alot in commom. Zoom Zoom!

So, today I updated the HubbyHoney do list. There's always next year, right?

Bella is finally loosing her puppy fangs. For a while she had all double teeth. That was quite a mouth full for her. She's down to only one lower puppy fang left. But sure looks funny to have the two teeth side by side. Really looked funny with all eight. If we'd had batteries for the camera, we could have gotten some pictures.

Hopefully, one of us will remember batteries soon. It's truly amazing how many great pictures you feel like you miss when you can't use the camera. Yes, like the lizard on the screen that Bella was trying to play with. In reality, by the time we could have gotten the camera and been ready to take the picture, the lizard would have run away. But, it was a cute thought.

Need to go find how to move the HubbyHoney Do List up so HubbyHoney can actually find it. Now wonder we didn't get much done on it, it's too far towards the bottom of this page to see.

I'll be back!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Our Life

I tried to take some pictures today of the things I love the most around here, does anyone remember the phrase "batteries not included" well I do now, so use your imagination, the covey of quail flying away from Miss. Zoom Zoom (aka Bella) her first try at hunting must have been 50 or more, good year for babies. The rabbit left without a trace, but the stick got chewed into little pieces, go figure. Back to the pictures I missed, the baby lizzard teasing Bella on the other side of the screen, who would have thought a lizzard and a dog would play together, as long as they have a screen between them, should have seen it, oh I was going to take some pictures!

Gamma and Bear, I can't even begin to describe that, except to say she looks really good on him!!!

Niki teaching Bella the way in and out of the horse pens, not really a good thing but funny just the same, bouuncing over(or in the case of Bella) under the pannels, how I wish I had batteries.

4 dogs, 2cats, saddly 4 horse, yes we have pictures to share, if only I could remember the D..#$ BATTERIES

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Goodbye Sweet D Pictures

A Good Bye To Sweet D

Gamma and I said goodbye to Sweet D yesterday, no she is doing fine she just went to a new home.

The unfortunate facts of life sometimes get in the way of plans. With the lowering of my income and Gamma going back to work we did not have the time to do her justice, so the decision was made to let someone else share in her life. We met a really nice couple that we feel will really be a good fit.

Genny and Sweet D connected right off the bat with Sweet D letting her rub her side and kisses were exchanged, we know that she is going to be happy in her new place.

As we began the process of loading her I felt a little strange knowing that I was helping her get into that big scary cave to go for a ride to a strange place to live with strange people. Will we ever see her again? We have a standing invitation to drop by and visit, will we I don't know, goodbyes suck bad enough the first time to risk the emotions of a second?

Gamma and I have a wonderful life and family, our human family is important to us, healthy and happy, Grand kids growing like weeds, but our kids at this point of our lives are our animals and when you send one off to college it leaves a empty place in your heart(and an empty pen)

So we say bye and may you find good sweet hay and cool clear water and new friends to take for long rides and enjoy new things along the way!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Morining After The Day Before

What does it mean to be an "Old Fart" let me count the ways.
1) The things you did yesterday hurt more than Advil can take care of.
2) The things you did yesterday cause certain parts of your body to look different than they did.
3) The puppy is ten times hevier than she was yesterday.
4) The T.V. has to be that much louder.
5) Do you realize how far it is to the bathroom? I do now.
6) Taking the puppy for a walk is work.
7) Did you know football is on all day on Sunday? I do now.
8) Nap time is a good thing, not for the kid(or puppy) but for you.
9) I forgot this one but that goes along with the rest of the theme. Oh yea memory that was it, but I forgot what I was going to say.
10) Sorry but gotta go gotta go right now!!!

Well now sometimes I crack myself up but the real truth is more of the top 10 than you know is true! (I'll be right back gotta go)

Reality is as you get older you figure out what is important and what doesn't matter, with the weekend's storm in Tx and having even more family than I was aware of the mondane things of feeding and walking the dog's, making sure every one has water and so forth, hearing voices on the other end of the line brings life into prospective.

Happy B-Day to me! All is well with my family!!

Cat 2 vs Cat 3

What is the true difference between a Cat 2 hurricane and Cat 3 hurricane? Yes, I know there are real standards for each. Maybe based on wind speed?

But when you are where the hurricane is, what is the difference? Maggie said if this was only a Cat 2, she would never want to be in a Cat 3. She was thinking this would just be a good way to have a hurricane party and maybe miss a couple days work without recourse. She was wrong. She said if there is ever another hurricane coming that is close to a Cat 2, she's gone. This was one big scary "&((mailto:*#@%&*%$*&^)$#@43728*^&*" storm!

Arlo said, "This is awesome!" That was his first text message to me. As he drove around and saw more and more of the damage, reality started to hit. He said his friend and he had gotten a motel room where they thought they would be safe. Then they had gone to a friend's house to play Nintendo. After the storm's main hit, they headed back to the motel room. They couldn't get the door open. They went and got the manager to help open the door. When the door finally was opened, Arlo was in total amazement. The ceiling to their room had collapsed. He said Nintendo saved his life. If they hadn't gone to play Nintendo, they would have been that room. They could have been squished under that ceiling.

The power of nature!

Maggie just called. She is still totally awed by what this storm did. She is also questioning her preparation for getting through the aftermath. She stocked up on food. She didn't think about the part of no electricity for maybe a couple weeks. Her food needs refrigeration and then a way to cook it. Hamburger doesn't last long in 85 degree temperatures. No air conditioning, so the inside temperature matches the outside temperature.

Now no Maggie. Phone service is still very irratic. She did say her dad, uncle, and grandpa are all okay. That is very good. Still no word on Layla and Aurora. Hopefully we will hear from Arlo soon.

On to other things. Today is HubbyHoney's birthday. Time to do some barbeque. Good food! Yeah!

Oh, by the way. We just lost power. I was doing laundry, and the TV is on, and two computers, and the freezer, and the living room fan, and the phones. HubbyHoney went down and flipped a switch and our power was back. It's so great to have our own power system. Yesterday, Arlo was telling me he was sure wishing he had our generator.

Bye for now.

Saturday, September 13, 2008


You just don't know how upset you might be about something until it's over. I was fine until I heard from both my kids. Then I kinda fell apart. Thank goodness for HubbyHoney. He took control and let me fall apart for awhile.

I am just so thankful by kids are okay.

So here's this song again. I hope.

Thank you for your prayers

Both my kids, plus my ex-husband and my ex-family are in Houston, Texas. Gimpa Jon (aka HubbyHoney) sent out emails yesterday to all for prayers. Thank you for those prayers.

Arlo, my son, has called a minimum of three times today to let me know he is okay and what he is seeing in the aftermath of the storm. Thank God for my son and his acknowledgement that a mom needs to know her children are okay. He always comes through when there is a situation. I don't know how to say that in a clearer way. Just, thank you Arlo!

I have not yet heard from my daughter. It is now 6:30 pm.

Wait!! Just got a call from Maggie. She is fine. Her place is fine, just alot of fallen trees, so she couldn't get out of her apartment complex. She has no electricity, so doesn't know what is happening. No TV or radio, except now in her car.

Thank you God!

Will now wait to hear about any of the ex-family. They may be ex, but are still an important part of my life because they are still my family.

So, once again, thank you for your prayers!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

It's still 9/11


Still Trying

Still trying to see if we can get a youtube video on here.


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Do You Rember?

Do you remember 9/11/2001? I do!!!That morning I was on vacation, taking an extra day off for my b-day weekend, my mom called and said "Turn on your t.v we are under attack" how she knew I was home only God knows, but we talked and then joined in prayer for our President Gerorge W. Bush (and thanked God that he was the Comander in Chief) Ok here is where you have to use your imaganation, those of us that are tech. challagened tried and it was a great idea...Didn't work so... insert Darryl Worley's " Do You Remember" Close your eyes and picture what you saw and felt... insert, Toby Keith's "Angry American"! another view of what we, or should I say I felt!!!

Now you can relax, I won't get to political (Gamma say's I do that from time to time) but, if you will, try Lee Greenwoods "God Bless The USA" you will know a little more about how I feel!

God Bless Us One And All!!!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Sunday Afternoon

Good Mouse

I caught that mouse. Hah!

Wait! It's getting away. I'll just ignore it so I can sneak up on it.

Getting closer. Still ignoring.

Hah! Caught that mouse again.

My Turn

My turn to see if I can get some pictures on here. Gimpa and I have been having problems getting this to work. Our digital camera takes great pictures, but finding the pictures in the computer to put them anywhere is very difficult for us. Has to be the software, can't be we are totally technically challenged. Could it? Naw.

It's a miracle. It worked!

Somebody have a clue why it finally worked? I don't. I just know it did.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Gammas latest treasure

We call this the rifle desk for two reasons we know we will be rifling through it to find stuff and she got it on the day of the rifle guy down by work. Yes it really is black and red and white and yellow and real oak!

My question is who in their right mind would take a wonderful piece of wood like this and torture it? I mean they had to be republican right as opposed to a democrat, I mean think of Gitmo they don't torture but this was torture in the truest since of the word and all of us know that only a republican like G.W. would allow such things to take place. Nancy on the other hand would't have even allowed the tree to be cut down in the first place after all she does have a planet to save, got to love her like I love the damn coyotees that keep waking us up in the middle of the night sounding like they are right out side the door(actually have seen them within 25 ft of the front door)

OK back to the real reason for this post here are some pictures of before and in progress as the after will have to wait until we can get to the beginning, so to speek.

Boys and girls don't try this at home(disclamier form can be found,but don't know where) oops picture in the upper left corner was suppose to be here but I'm still learning and hey Gamma finally after three days of telling me I could name the pictures I figured out she meant the pictures not the group, got to love that woman!!!( never mind we figuered this out,sort of)

Yes, that is a work in progress and as you can see it is going to be beatuiful when we get done.

B.O. says we need CHANGE, well hell yeh and here is the change that is needed! We still have a long way to go but the trip is worth the cost $21.00 gto to love that Gamma.

This a preview of what the bottom layer looks likes.

Just for giggles and grins and a little more practice at putting pictures in here try these. Aren't they cute!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

17 And Counting

Can you believe Gamma and I just celebrated our 17 years together since we first moved in together? I can't, seems just like yesterday that I carried her across the threshold of the house we rented on Palace St. in Salem, and every Aug. 15 I carry her across the threshold this year was no different, well I actually had to give her a piggyback ride due to the wrist injury and I didn't want to drop my precious cargo.

I was right(as always) Gamma isn't done bringing stuff home from work yet, our most resent prize is an antique ice box and yes we will post before and after pictures, ahh but wait that's not all even today the gal at the front desk softly called"Dorinda( Gamma to all who know her as Rindy) we have something for you" alas she had tagged an old secretary type desk with a pull down door and a bunch of cubbies and shelves for her and it comes home on payday.

I got this phone call that was first interrupted by a Gamma warning that the store was under lock down because of a man walking around with a loaded rifle and the cops wanted everyone to stay inside, oh, and don't come down here because they won't let you in the area... bad word, bad word... all ended well and the SWAT team got the guy who had found a store with an open door and taken a hostage but no one was hurt...good word, good word. I am just so thankful that Gamma is safe and had the foresight to tell all to keep the doors locked and stay away from the windows and for the gal who had the sense to tell the cops she heard a shot and the direction it came from, may he rot in jail!!!!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Killing Brain Cells, but having fun

With all the new to us furniture that Gamma has brought home we have been having a blast finding hidden treasures under layers of paint and stains, the biggest problem has been where to do all the stinky things with chemicles to remove and refinish, outside today is close to 100 with avery hot dry wind out of the southwest and with all the windows open we still have alot of fumes in the house but to try and do any of this outside its not possible what with the wind and heat drying things out way to fast and dust and things flying around wet varnish is the worlds most powerful magnet.

The dogs are not real happy either as they have to stay outside until things dry enough to be moved back to where they go and Niki's tail wont stick to tacky varnish(been down that road and it isn't a fun ride.)

Gamma thinks with her latest SCORE that she might be down for a while(I'll bet on that one) A wonderful Armore(or however the hell you spell it) must have weighed a ton and even after we took all the drawers and door off and out(BBQ lingo) it still was a challange to get it out of the truck and into the house let alone down the hall, around the corner and into the bedroom, but alas Gamma is happy and that makes it all worth while.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Still Alive and Kicking(well sort of)

Ok so it's been along time since we've updated, so just to get you up to date Gamma surrived the flu or whatever it was back in June, she is doing fine, actually more than fine lots of new to us furniture to fix and redo, just alittle updating of the place.

I on the other hand have been trying to work to many hours and with the 4 day weekend we have(we were going to Tulare but when the truck broke down that put a stop to that) so in a stupid moment, nothing new for me, I got dumped on my head, ass over tea kettle over the head of our little princess Cookie, bare back at feeding time with the hose filling the water bucket, pump goes off hose jumps out of tank and horse and rider go seperate ways and ended up with a slight concusion and a wrist that hardly looks like it should(size does make a difference) I actually had to call in sick...

Sooo, we are here enjoying our time off and just being together, working on things around here and I've got to say God bless Gamma she won't let me lift anything, I knew she was strong, and I've finally learned not to mess with her(a really bad headache and a swift smack up the side will learn you quick)

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Been awhile

Been awhile since I've posted,sorry bout that I know how you must miss my wit and humor, ok that was suppose to be a joke. Alas it's been awhile since I've had to deal with a sick wife, yes Reongamma is not feeling very good!!!

Last night I stood and watched as gamma not only drove the porcilin bus, but gave amage to the porcilin gods, yes she was that sick, don't think it was my cooking but does make a mind think about the fridge being out.

Today she is just kind of, well how do you say not up to being herself. Not that it's really an issue as we go by the three day rule, so she has untilTues. to be back on her feet, until then I will give her a break.

Other news in the making, well not much, with the exception of the guy at one of our suppliers for work was interested in buying one of our horses, that is until he and his wife(a nurse) and daughter( the prospect for the new horse) were the first arrive upon a grizzly scene, a horse spooked and jumped into traffic and was hit by an oncoming car. Not a pretty picture, both horse and rider died, the horse put down by a police officer at the scene and the rider three days latter in the hospital(toss one back towards heaven for her) now the horse thing is gone for the daughter, for now.

Grandpa got ripped off again, if only I could get my hands on those bas.....s, hopefully the feds will do something this time but I'm not holding my breath, so again we start a new account process. Heavy sigh...

Got to go feed now, Gamma is asleep again, sort of, I think this is going to be a long night again.


Saturday, May 31, 2008

Aren't they cute?

Good thing I went to work

Since I went to work I have received two paychecks. Hooray!

Since I went to work the brakes on my truck totally started growling and had to all be replaced.

Since I went to work our refrigerator quit working. Can it be fixed? Don't know yet. Hubby Honey is going to tear it apart to see.

To replace it we would have to spend a minimum or $600. That's for a small, very basic refrigerator. Would our power system support a regular electric refrigerator? Don't know. We had a very small (2 cubic feet) one we tried to use to supplement our current one. That small one took too much power and kept running our batteries down.

But the new ones today are supposed to be very energy efficient. Sure would hate to spend $600 or more to find out it wouldn't work with our power system though. The refrigerator we have now (the one that's not working) cost $800 ten years ago. Haven't checked yet to see how much another propane one would cost today.

So there go my first two paychecks, plus more. Good thing I like my job. Good thing I had my job.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Where does the time go?

Time has sure been flying lately.

Just saw on TV the conference finals for basketball are on June 5th. June 5th is not very far away. June sounds like it should be way away. But it sure isn't.

So where'd the time go?

I don't really know.

Haven't been working with the horses much since I went back to work. That wasn't the plan. It's a part-time job. Or, it was supposed to be. It was supposed to leave time for the horses. The hours should start to get less. Training is pretty much over, now it's just getting a routine established and fix some problems.

The weather has been very unpredictable so has made it difficult to have any consistancy with the horses. One weekend of 90+ degrees then back to snow. This must be the high desert.

We did get some of our horse pens and shelters moved around. Trying to get some fresh pen areas open. We aren't done moving things around yet. Every year those panels and shelters seem to get heavier and heavier, and way more awkward to move. Couldn't be we are getting older and weaker, could it?

Can't think about that. But, we are grandparents now.

Okay, hope to be getting some new pictures up soon.

Time for bed, have to get up and go to work tomorrow. Yuck! Not really, I am actually enjoying my job.


Saturday, May 24, 2008

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to: Reno Gamma, Andrew, Tori and Bear...

May you all have a wonderful day! Here in Reno it's raining so I'm sure that it's raining in Oregon also, oh well we are going to have a good day any way, sort of, Gamma just said something about moving panels down at the horse pen, that sounds like work to me...

Lani and Jonathan's Nana went home this week and they are in Texas with their mom and the rest of her family, I pray that it's not raining on them.

Don't have much else to say right now but I more than likely will later, so in the mean time Happy Birthday to all.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Where'd the time go?

It's been a while since I posted here. Didn't realize it had been so long.

Went to another horse clinic this past weekend. Getting ready to go to that took some time and energy. Then rethinking everything that happened in the prep to go, then in being there really took some time and lots of energy. Pretty draining!

I can't say the experience was all pleasurable.

I had planned on going to this clinic as an auditor. This was the Level II of the clinic we had just gone to some of. Just going to watch and listen. At the last minute Hubby Honey and I decided it might be worth taking Cookee. She has been through the ground work for the Level I of this clinic twice. Besides, it would really be good for her after what happened trying to get her into a trailer for that other Level I.

We were going to rent a trailer this time instead of depending on someone else. The trailer was booked up through the weekend. Back to plan "F".

I'd just go as an auditor. No problem.

Then the lady leading the clinic said, "Why didn't we use her truck and trailer so I could bring Cookee."

Very, VERY, big mistake!

We had an "oops" with the trailer and put a foot and a half to a two foot scrape in the running rail, about an inch deep. Cosmetic only, but a very, VERY, big mistake. This happened on the evening we picked it up, on our way home, when we stopped to get gas for her truck.

Then, the next morning, once again, Cookee would not load. She had been in this trailer before. We really thought without a strange horse up front, and no lamb smell, she'd be a champion, and go right in. But, no.

Soooooo, I ended up at the clinic with no horse, and a horse trailer with a huge booboo.

Not a fun way to start my day.

Then I had to tell the lady about her trailer. It definitely was not fun at all after that. Talk about it being cold. I still keep trying to figure if the feeling was coming from me, was I just being defensive? Or, was this lady really angry? Was it other stuff going on that made her seem so cranky? Was I just being defensive? I still don't have the answer. This may take me awhile to come to terms with.

I did have fun for awhile. One of the other people at the clinic let me use one of her horses for a day. So, it wasn't totally bad.

We still have to deal with getting the trailer fixed. There have been issues with that already. Hmmmmm. My dad always said, "Neither a borrower nor a lender be." I sure should have listened. But, I so much wanted to take a horse to that clinic.

There is a moral here. Even at my age I should listen to my parents?

Don't know.

Oh, we have decided Cookee's problem might be her teeth. Hubby Honey was checking around in her mouth on Sunday, and came out with a bloody finger. Time for the vet. Once her teeth are worked on, maybe then, we will try the trailering again.

Granddaughter, Tori, and Cookee, both with teething issues.

Hope you both feel better soon!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

When did we get so old?

Just saw some pictures on lainis site, WOW, when did I get so old?

I saw my baby, and her baby. One year old, when did I get so old?

I have Grand kids, some in pre school, some getting close, when did we get so OLD?

I couldn't have been prouder than the day that my kids got married, the love of their lives beside them, and now they have babies of their own. When did I get to be so LUCKY?

Happy birthday Tori and to each of our Grand kids! WE Love You and I still wonder When Did We get to be so fortunate to have Grandkids that look as cute as all of YOU!!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO: Layla,Andrew, Will and Tori, WOW When Did We Get To Be So Fortunate, LOVE YOU ALL.

(Just a hint here WE WANT TO KISS ALL THOSE FACES!!!!)

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Rain! Yeah!

Yeah! We had some rain today!

When we left Oregon I never thought I'd be saying "Yeah for rain!"

We just had the driest March and April on record here in this high desert.

So, Yeah for the Rain!

Back to work tomorrow. I am looking forward to the day when the lady whose place I am taking quits coming in so I can make the job my own. Am seeing some things I'd like to change, but feel like I need to wait. This coming Friday should be her last day. If I have questions after that, I should be able to just call her.

This coming weekend is another horse clinic. This is Level Two. Hubby Honey took Dakota to a Level Two before. Scary, but very impressive! They made it through all the tasks except jumping the barrels. Dakota had just had some chiropractic work done on him, so wasn't supposed to lope or, especially, jump. I was so glad! Dakota jumps straight up in the air. No gentle up and down. Just straight up and you better be prepared and hang on. I was so glad they didn't have to jump!

This weekend will just be to watch. Since we didn't get to the Level One clinic a couple weekends ago we aren't ready for the Level Two. But someday we will make it. Level Two is where you ride bridleless. What fun! Maybe?

Okay, goodnight. Time to get ready for another week of life.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Trailer Loading Made Simp........

Well, we did it. We got that rascal in the trailer, no pain, no butt ropes, no whips, so what was the big deal?

I have never seen a horse leave a trailer that FAST, Superman was fast but that was then this is now. We went back in a second time and lasted a nano second longer but wow, how fast can you leave, and how far can you jump out of a trailer?

Now we work on the confidence to stay a bit longer and be a LOT more relaxed in the trailer, God smite the idiot who wrecked this horse getting it into a trailer. What they will never know is that they may have not only ruined a great animal but they also put Innocent people in jeopardy by their foolish selfish actions, oh the analogy's I can draw from that relating to everyday life.

Sermon Time:

What you do WILL HAVE A RIPPLE EFFECT. Stop and think a moment, what you do will have an effect on something or someone else. What I do at work effects my boss and his business. What I do in my personal life effects not only my wife but my kids and step kids, everything ties together.

I've had a saying that I try to live by(along with a bunch of others) There is a consequence to everything you do, a good one or a bad one, no matter what, there is a consequence!

Please remember that the next time you want to get something done, no matter the cost, their will be a cost. Maybe more than you are willing to pay.

Bow your heads and pray. Amen.

End of sermon, what a great weekend we had, got the horse safely in the trailer came home and played with all our own horses( the Princess is back to normal) had some great weather, unlike Canada, and Renogamma and I celebrated our 17th year from our first date, wow do I feel GOOD!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Who'd a Thunk

Okay I may be wearing out the who'd a thunk stuff, but who'd a thunk?

Two weeks ago I had no job except my websites and my writing, which I love, but don't really bring in bunches of money.

Today, I now have two jobs.

Who'd a thunk?

Yesterday, at my new job, one of the ladies there asked me if I would want to do the bookkeeping for her business. Very few hours, but a little more money coming in, so sure thing!


From no job to two.

Who'd a thunk!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Back to Work

I am sort of enjoying being back in the adult world of work. I do miss my animals though.

But adult conversation is good. Did you notice I said conversation? Yes, real live, conversation. Not just talk. An interactive, back and forth, conversation.

Life is good.

Monday, April 21, 2008

The Horse Clinic Is Over

Too bad we didn't to get to take our horses.

We went for a while today just to watch and listen. The weather actually cooperated today. Because of the weather on Saturday (high winds) and the weather yesterday (very cold with wind) the clinic was going until six this afternoon and then everyone was coming back on Thursday to finish.

The little bit we got to watch helped clear up some questions we had. But there was much we missed by not being there for the whole clinic. And because we didn't have our horses there. Could have been a great learning experience but for some reason just wasn't supposed to happen for us right now.

So now we start the rework process with Cookee. Start from the beginning and fill in the holes in her foundation training which caused her to not load in the trailer this time.

What did we miss? Is it maybe her teeth or some other physical problem? So many questions.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Birthday Wishes To more than I can count

Happy Birthday to: Dad, Gammas Mom, Maggie, Buster and most importantly, Will aka "Lil Bear" and Layla, aka "The Texas Tornado"

You know you are getting old when your grand kids make sense on the phone... Well, howdy do to being old.

Got more birthdays in the month of April than any other and I did forget to mention a few but I'm sure that my sister will forgive me for not telling the whole world that on the 21st. she will be 46, but then again that would let you know that I'm 6 years older than her,oops... and for any one else that we forgot, well just mark it up to old age and the lack of grand kid visits, hint, hint...

To "The Texas Tornado" and "Lil Bear" Gimpa and Gamma wish you a happy Birthday and please tell your PARENTS TO SEND YOU HERE FOR A VISIT!(just a little hint folks,just a little hint.)

Weekend Natural Horsemanship Clinic

Well, it figures.

The weather was nice most of the week. (Except Monday when we had really high winds.) Now it's the weekend, and we have a clinic to be at, and the weather was windy yesterday, today it's cold. Below freezing cold.

Oh, well.

Guess it doesn't matter. Cookee, our princess, wouldn't load in the trailer. She didn't know the horse up front. The trailer had been used to haul lambs. She hit her head, twice, pulling back. Poor princess. We tried everyway we knew. We weren't going to beat her or use a butt rope. She's loaded so easily in the past.

Pat and Linda? Clinton? Chris? Craig? Anybody? What went wrong? What should we have done different? She's loaded so easily in the past.

Then there was Bear. He walked right in, sniffed all over, ate some hay. He didn't care about the lamb smell, or the other horse he didn't know, and he didn't hit his head, not even once, let alone twice.

We kept thinking he was going to be our problem, not Miss Cookee, our princess.

But how could we dare think a princess should be put in someplace there might have been a lamb, or there was a horse she didn't know? She'd loaded before with another horse she didn't know.

Who'd a thunk!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Went to Work Today!

Started my new job today.

I missed all my animals. Yes, the additional money will be nice, but I really missed my animals.

And, I forgot how many office politics there are. And, how much competition, and gossip, and "cat fights". I've been away for a long time.

I guess because the last place I worked was soooo big, and spread out, this same kind of stuff was there, but you could get away from it. In the small office I just started in, I can feel the before mentioned vibes already.

Very interesting.

Am I prepared for this kind of environment? I don't think so. But, this may be why I've been so comfortable being at home just working on the internet. Any "cat fights" were between two real cats or dogs, or horses. When it was done, it was done. No grudges, no retaliation, no back stabbing, no politics.

The games we humans play.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Who'd Ever Thunk

I totally can not believe what happened yesterday.

Hopefully, you read that I just got a job. A part-time job, which would leave me time for my horses.

Because of my rather sporadic work history at the moment, I promised these people in my two interviews that I was definitely looking for a long-time position. After the first interview, because the interviewer specifically questioned the gaps in the history, and the short time I was at my last two positions, I had emailed him to say, I knew my history was questionable, but I was definitely looking for a long-time position. I once again promised him that in my interview on this last Thursday, and was offered the job.

That was Thursday. Then yesterday, Saturday, my Hubby Honey was offered a position as ranch manager at a natural horsemanship training facility. I could be the bookkeeper, gopher person, part-time. We would live on the ranch. The commute time from the ranch to the job I just accepted would be, well, way overwhelming on a day to day basis. It would be an hour and a half drive, one-way.

What is a person to do? Why can't life just be easy? At least for just a short time?

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Cookee's First Trail Ride

I can't believe that just happened!!!! Gamma and I went for a walk with Bear and Cookee, I got tired of walking and got a burr under my foot, so to speak, anyway I turned Cookee around in the ditch and sidled her up along side me and got on!!!!

What happened next is well not much to write about unless you've been tossed off and are getting on a horse for the first time outside of it's familiar environment, let alone out in the desert and in a ditch to boot.

We went for a nice quiet walk, occasionally looking back to see Bear and Gamma, then walking on to find a new patch of grass or a new sagebrush to scratch on and finally home where she got to be unsaddled while she munched on the unopened bale of hay. Guess you had to be there.

Got to love our horses!

Friday, April 11, 2008

No More Dating, I'm Wed

How funny is this?

Lani got a job. Part of having a job is the adult contact and interaction in the work place. Adult conversation without being interrupted by children. She was looking forward to that. She is going to be working with children.

I got a job. Part of having a job is the adult contact and interaction in the work place. I was looking forward to that. I am going to be working with animals. Actually, there will be people to have contact with. Twelve people, twenty-five dogs, and thirty cats. I will still be talking with animals.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

To Get a Job or To Not Get a Job?

Yes, that is the question.

I do hope I get this job. It is part-time and would leave me plenty of time for my horses.

It would also give me some people contact. My daughter tells me I need people contact. Aren't animals enough? I can talk to my animals. That was good enough for Dr. Dolittle. My animals try hard to talk back. Okay, maybe I don't understand them as well as Dr. Dolittle, but we do get by.

I know when BB tips the food dish or the water bowl over, she wants food or water. If the dish or bowl wasn't empty before, it is after she tips it over. Right?

When Bob rolls over with his tummy to the sky, and gives me that look, I know he wants his belly rubbed. Or when he just sits there giving me that look, I know he wants his head rubbed.

When Niki jumps up on the edge of the bed in the morning and starts her talking at me, I know it's time to get up and feed the horses.

When Max the cat starts running around my feet and meowing, I know he wants a bite of my lunch, or breakfast, or he wants some canned cat food, or dry food, or maybe some water, or maybe outside. It's at least one of those. Or maybe he wants me to just sit down so he can sleep by me.

Okay, maybe people contact would be good.

At my last job there were plenty of people. Minimum of 100, then up to 300 during the holiday season. People are very interesting.

Yes, it would be a good thing to have some people contact. Wow! Then just think of how much more I would have to talk to my animals about, all the crazy people stories.

This could be fun!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

It Was Almost Spring Like Today

Today I got to spend some time with my horses! Yeah!

The weather was nice enough to go outside for awhile without being cold. The three youngest ones kept crowding each other to get brushed. Must have felt good.

Good news. Lani got a job. No more dating. Another Yeah!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The Great Slate Face Cracks

Posted by gimpajon
Well, I've been following along with what must be half the nation, Confessions Of A CF Husband and I have to say that tonight I teared up at the update on G&T, Reminded me of my little time ,not nearly as huge as what they are going thru, the time my own little girl arrived early. I got to be the first to see, touch and hold her as she flopped into my hand, no we did not have to spend days and months in the hospital but just the same the fear of all the what ifs... Check that site out and let me know if you can keep a slate face. Bet you can't.

Sorry we don't have a link set up but you can find it on lainers on the go linked here.

As for the horses here, plans are being made to haul to Fallon later this month and we are doing everything we can to try and make the clinic, but with Renogama possibly having to start a new job and my job getting much busier with the start of a major project, schedules could get tight. Will keep you up to date.


Watch yourself out with them vicious critters. Have fun anyway.

Posted by gimpajon,got to figure this stuf out...

Monday, April 7, 2008

Second Date

Got the call this morning! My second date, I mean followup interview, will be happening this Thursday. It should take about 1/2 hour, I was told.

To think, where I will or won't be spending a good deal of my time in the future, determined in one and one half hours. Will I get the third date, I mean job?

Who knows, not me.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Dang Horses!

Hubby Honey got charged and bit yesterday!

Dog gum horses!

Hubby Honey has been working with a horse for a lady to teach it to trailer load. Apparently it does not like going into a trailer, at all. Pretty typical.

The is one of those spoiled, dominant horses. Has gotten its way through intimidation. Isn't there a book out there, "Winning Through Intimidation?"

This horse read and reread that book. Really studied that book!

The lady owner has definitely been hoodwinked. Where'd that word come from? I know I've heard it somewhere.

The horse gets its way. The lady is scared of it. The horse knows that. Horses have a very strong sense of fear. That's what has kept them alive for so many years.

Hubby Honey had been working with the horse yesterday. Had even gotten it to put its front feet into the trailer a couple times. He was looking for a good place to end the training session. He said the horse was about ten feet in front of him. He was making it come forward, then back up. (I wasn't there to watch and help cause I was at that job interview. A job I probably won't get.)

He told me that all of a sudden the horse charged at him, bit him in the shoulder, and proceeded to try to run on by. Hubby Honey (definitely within the three second rule of disciplining a horse) got the horse turned then just started backing him up. Backed him as fast and far as he could within the pen the horse was in. Then he made him circle, stop, turn, circle, stop, turn, circle some more, stop, backup some more. I didn't get to see it (I was at a job interview), but sounded like the horse sure should have figured who the alpha was in that herd of two.

We were supposed to go back today for another training session, but the weather today is very yucky. The wind is just blasting through our valley. Too bad, cause that horse sure could use the reinforcement of the lesson from yesterday.

This is another way horses are kinda like kids. They test you every single time you are with them. It may not always look like they are testing you, but they are. They are just waiting for that moment when you show any sign of weakness. That moment when you have your hands full trying to fix dinner while talking on the phone, or you're just tired because you didn't get much sleep the night before because some child kept you awake.

They know!

So, why do we keep having them (kids), or buying them (horses)? Because when they aren't testing us, they are so cute and adorable. So loving and cuddly. Yes, horses can be cuddly. But, watch out for your toes, or as in Hubby Honey's case, your shoulder.

Children and Job Hunting

Our grandson, Andrew, has pneumonia. Poor little boy. Second time in just a short time. Please send prayers his way.

And, if you have looked into Hubby Honey's daughter's blog,"Lainer's on the Go!", notice her link to "Confessions of a CF Husband." His wife, Tricia, just had a double lung transplant. Many prayers to that whole family, please.

Just found out two of us in this family are looking for jobs. Lani is sending out applications, and I just had an interview yesterday.

Finding a job is so difficult. It's so much like a marriage. With all the time and energy put into it, you hopefully find something that makes you happy. But, what if you don't? Potential employers sure frown at you when they see a history of gaps in your employment, or short term employment. But, why should I stay somewhere I'm not happy? Somewhere where their policies just don't fit my beliefs or lifestyle? I wouldn't just marry the first guy that came along, just because he asked. At least in a personal relationship you have a chance to date and then decide if you are compatible. Why shouldn't you be able to always have a probational period at a job to see if it is fit without being penalized?

So, I was frowned at yesterday because I have some gaps in my employment history and some short-term employment. I really don't think I will get the job.
And, they don't seem to care that I had a house to build, or horses to train, or children to take of. It all seems very one-sided to me.

Then, think of all the time before the interview you spend going through every question you think they could possibly ask. Rehearsing your answers. Worrrying about making a very good impression. Then they ask totally different questions from what you thought of.

Then, after the interview, going through every question they asked. Calling yourself names for the answers you gave, and now talking to yourself about everything you should have said, but didn't. Again, calling yourself names. But, how do you know?

Then, you don't get the job. It could have been the perfect job. The one that made you happy forever. But, they chose someone else.

Sounds way too much like dating, except, you only get one date. Maybe two, if by some chance you get called back in for that second, all important, interview. Then you start all over again.

I coulda, shoulda, woulda, if only.

I'd much rather just stay home and play with my horses.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The Economics of Being a Cheap-o

Hubby Honey's brother has an article in It's called "The Economics of Being a Cheap-O - How to retire without a huge pension and enjoy it."

Great insight into the alternatives of having a huge amount of dollars in the bank to have for retirement.

Here's the link: then look in "What's New" for the article by the above name by, Jan R Cooke.

Conversation with Fitzin

This morning when I fed my horses I tried to have a conversation with Fitzin (my spooky, scared of everything horse).

In an earlier blog, I did describe some things about Fitzin and why I believe he has some of his problems. I am working with him to hopefully fix some of those problems. Problems I created because of my inexperience.

This morning while he ate I brushed him. A common belief among natural horse trainers, is that when the horses head is up, they are right brained, on adrenaline, on alert, ready to run or fight, ready to do whatever takes to stay alive. Once there head goes down, the endorphines are triggered, the feel goods.

So, in my mind, if I can have a conversation with Fitzin while his head is down, while he is in a feel good state of mind, hopefully he will relate me to that feel good moment. Maybe he can start to trust me and gain some confidence.

Are you asking, "Where's the conversation? Aren't you, ramblin renogamma, horse trainer, doing all the talking?"

In this beginning, I still might be. But, I am working on turning it into a conversation. Trying hard to listen to him.

This morning I watched for any moment when he was calm. That's when I would walk away to clean out the brush. That's when I would turn away to take any pressure off him. The retreat in the approach and retreat. Try to always leave before the horse does, always try to leave when the horse is still calm and trusting.

Whenever I would reapproach, his head would again go up, his neck all braced and stiff. "Please don't kill me! Please don't eat me!"

Calmly, letting out a deep breathe, and being very calm and quiet (BUT NEVER SNEAKY), I would let him sniff the brush, then start brushing his shoulder. When he would lower his head to eat I continued to brush the rest of him. Then, only when his head was down, when he was a feel good moment, I would retreat.

The last thing you do to a horse, is what he remembers, whether good or bad. This I learned from Joyce Gay who has the Natural Horsemanship Training Center here in northern Nevada.

I was trying very hard to have a conversation with Fitzin, "No, I am not going to kill you. No, I am not going to eat you. You don't have to be scared all the time. It's okay to be with people."

How do I relate this grandbabies? Just be sure to have a conversation with them. There's nothing better for a person's ego than to know you believe they are important enough to have a true conversation with.

Does Language Guarantee Conversation?

Have you ever thought you were having a conversation with another person only to discover it was not a conversation at all?

You were both talking, but only one of you was really listening?

From the time I was a teenager, I have been told I am a really great listener. If someone had a problem, I was the one to come to. Yup! I listen really great. Actually, I do give feedback while I'm listening, but lots of people just don't hear. Many, many people are too busy talking to really hear the other person.

Conversation? I don't think so.

I was thinking about this and trying to relate it to horse training. With natural horsemanship, there is language developed between the horse and the person. Hubby Honey and I have started calling this horsonage. Horse person lanuage. We started with horslish, but decided English is not the only language humans speak, so it should be something else. So, horsonage.

But is there conversation?

Just because you have a common language does not mean you will have conversation.

How about communication? You can have communication without a common language. Or, is it then a nonverbal language, like what is taught in natural horsemanship?

But again, is there a conversation? A two-way communication with both talking and both listening?

Do you have a conversation with your horse, or just talk?

Do you have a conversation with your child, or do you just talk?

Does your child have a conversation with you, but maybe you don't listen?

Do you have conversation with other people, or does one of you just talk?

Click on the word below to see definitions from




If I can't have a conversation with another person, if they are just talking without listening, why should I waste my energy to talk back? Maybe that's why I am considered such a great listener.

Maybe that's why I am here bein a ramblin gamma, I carry on very good conversations with myself.

By the way, I am still trying to relate this to my horses.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Sunday, a day of rest, yea right

We went on a date yesterday, had a great time, the home show and way to much to eat at Sizzler's, got to love the all you can eat shrimp and steak, and shrimp and shrimp.

Today now brings us back to the realities of life, horses need water, fire wood needs cut, laundry needs done(yes I do my own, I told you in the profile that you aint seen the half of it) hay needs to be unloaded and well, chores need to be done. Day of rest, don't think I'll see one of those until I die and then I'm almost sure that my mom will find something for me to do or fix up in the heavens above.

Not complaing, just stating facts, ask any mom and I'm positive she will laugh at the idea of A DAY OF REST.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

The Home Show is so Dangerous

Went to the Home Show today. There are way too many things to see there. Too many I'd like to do or have done to my house, and yard, etc. If I'm going to dream, may as well have someone else do the work. Right!?

Maybe someday when one of us wins the lottery. Yah, right!

Other than purely home stuff, found a couple local ladies with some very nice, and interesting jewelry. I happen to love jewelry, especially, rings and earrings. Don't get the chance to wear much. If I wore too much, too bright and sparkly, one of my horses would probably bite at me for it. If that didn't happen I'd probably lose it in the hay pile, or catch it on a saddle or rope. Like one particular ring I can't find anywhere. I won't tell which one, but Hubby Honey does know about it! Maybe one day when I'm shoveling manure I'll find it.

I am adding the websites for both these ladies on my "Other Places to See." So, just go take a look. Lots of pretty bobbles. I am not affiliated with either, but if you decide to buy, you might mention you found their sites through the gamma (maybe in this case, the lady) from High Desert Way Ranchette.

The websites are:


There was one other very interesting product that we found. This one related to a green outdoors. Very exciting for our part of the country. The high desert. But I need to get more information so I can share it.

More later.