Sunday, September 14, 2008

Cat 2 vs Cat 3

What is the true difference between a Cat 2 hurricane and Cat 3 hurricane? Yes, I know there are real standards for each. Maybe based on wind speed?

But when you are where the hurricane is, what is the difference? Maggie said if this was only a Cat 2, she would never want to be in a Cat 3. She was thinking this would just be a good way to have a hurricane party and maybe miss a couple days work without recourse. She was wrong. She said if there is ever another hurricane coming that is close to a Cat 2, she's gone. This was one big scary "&((mailto:*#@%&*%$*&^)$#@43728*^&*" storm!

Arlo said, "This is awesome!" That was his first text message to me. As he drove around and saw more and more of the damage, reality started to hit. He said his friend and he had gotten a motel room where they thought they would be safe. Then they had gone to a friend's house to play Nintendo. After the storm's main hit, they headed back to the motel room. They couldn't get the door open. They went and got the manager to help open the door. When the door finally was opened, Arlo was in total amazement. The ceiling to their room had collapsed. He said Nintendo saved his life. If they hadn't gone to play Nintendo, they would have been that room. They could have been squished under that ceiling.

The power of nature!

Maggie just called. She is still totally awed by what this storm did. She is also questioning her preparation for getting through the aftermath. She stocked up on food. She didn't think about the part of no electricity for maybe a couple weeks. Her food needs refrigeration and then a way to cook it. Hamburger doesn't last long in 85 degree temperatures. No air conditioning, so the inside temperature matches the outside temperature.

Now no Maggie. Phone service is still very irratic. She did say her dad, uncle, and grandpa are all okay. That is very good. Still no word on Layla and Aurora. Hopefully we will hear from Arlo soon.

On to other things. Today is HubbyHoney's birthday. Time to do some barbeque. Good food! Yeah!

Oh, by the way. We just lost power. I was doing laundry, and the TV is on, and two computers, and the freezer, and the living room fan, and the phones. HubbyHoney went down and flipped a switch and our power was back. It's so great to have our own power system. Yesterday, Arlo was telling me he was sure wishing he had our generator.

Bye for now.

1 comment:

Lani said...

Scary stuff. But I am glad you're hearing from them. We'll keep praying for Layla and Aurora.