Monday, March 30, 2009

Sunday, March 15, 2009

New Adventure

HubbyHoney and I are embarking on a new adventure.

We are volunteering with a group that uses horses and natural horsemanship methods, to work with kids.

We are still in the training portion, but start with the kids this Wednesday.

Should be interesting.

We have also started going to the library. Wow!! I really love books, but like to buy them and keep them so I can read them at my speed. No worry about late fees, or not finishing a book cause I didn't get the chance to finish reading it. In the present economy though, and HubbyHoney not employed, the library will be a great place to go. And actually, we might read more books because it won't cost us anything.

Third Day - Revelation

Song for Sunday, March 15, 2009

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Am I showing my AGE???

Rindy,(Renogamma) is on the phone with her son Arlo and some where in the conversation they started talking about electricity and how it flows, then came the example of the flow of (water) same same, streams and damns, resoviours, breakers and such, the idea of a FUSE? came into the chatter, for those of you under the age of???? we used to have in the "Breaker box" a series of, get this SCREW IN FUSES, kind of like a light bulb only different, or some that looked like shot gun shells with copper ends and a lever that you pushed or pulled depending on whether or not you were brave or STUPID.

Today we have BREAKERS that flip when something isn't right, the little red line tells you "oops", flip right and then left and by golly look at that. Well usta be you had to go look and check for the blown out fuse, which one is it? Without a flashlight, well that would be blind man's bluff! Really been there and done that... seriosly I really mean it! Just ask.... well never mind.

Now for todays lesson: Oh wait I need to go start the generator...

Jeremy Camp - Right Here

Song for Sunday, March 8, 2009.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

My Horseanality

The fabulous quater horse? Funny I thought I would have been a mule!

What breed of horse are you? Find out!

The Horse I Would Be

This was fun. I took this test to find out what kind of horse I would be, if I were a horse. It said I would be a mustang, probably buckskin or dun in color. Interesting! I own a mustang and a dun colored mare.

What breed of horse are you? Find out!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Matthew West - The Motions

Song for Sunday, March 1, 2009, just a couple days late: