Sunday, April 27, 2008

Trailer Loading Made Simp........

Well, we did it. We got that rascal in the trailer, no pain, no butt ropes, no whips, so what was the big deal?

I have never seen a horse leave a trailer that FAST, Superman was fast but that was then this is now. We went back in a second time and lasted a nano second longer but wow, how fast can you leave, and how far can you jump out of a trailer?

Now we work on the confidence to stay a bit longer and be a LOT more relaxed in the trailer, God smite the idiot who wrecked this horse getting it into a trailer. What they will never know is that they may have not only ruined a great animal but they also put Innocent people in jeopardy by their foolish selfish actions, oh the analogy's I can draw from that relating to everyday life.

Sermon Time:

What you do WILL HAVE A RIPPLE EFFECT. Stop and think a moment, what you do will have an effect on something or someone else. What I do at work effects my boss and his business. What I do in my personal life effects not only my wife but my kids and step kids, everything ties together.

I've had a saying that I try to live by(along with a bunch of others) There is a consequence to everything you do, a good one or a bad one, no matter what, there is a consequence!

Please remember that the next time you want to get something done, no matter the cost, their will be a cost. Maybe more than you are willing to pay.

Bow your heads and pray. Amen.

End of sermon, what a great weekend we had, got the horse safely in the trailer came home and played with all our own horses( the Princess is back to normal) had some great weather, unlike Canada, and Renogamma and I celebrated our 17th year from our first date, wow do I feel GOOD!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Who'd a Thunk

Okay I may be wearing out the who'd a thunk stuff, but who'd a thunk?

Two weeks ago I had no job except my websites and my writing, which I love, but don't really bring in bunches of money.

Today, I now have two jobs.

Who'd a thunk?

Yesterday, at my new job, one of the ladies there asked me if I would want to do the bookkeeping for her business. Very few hours, but a little more money coming in, so sure thing!


From no job to two.

Who'd a thunk!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Back to Work

I am sort of enjoying being back in the adult world of work. I do miss my animals though.

But adult conversation is good. Did you notice I said conversation? Yes, real live, conversation. Not just talk. An interactive, back and forth, conversation.

Life is good.

Monday, April 21, 2008

The Horse Clinic Is Over

Too bad we didn't to get to take our horses.

We went for a while today just to watch and listen. The weather actually cooperated today. Because of the weather on Saturday (high winds) and the weather yesterday (very cold with wind) the clinic was going until six this afternoon and then everyone was coming back on Thursday to finish.

The little bit we got to watch helped clear up some questions we had. But there was much we missed by not being there for the whole clinic. And because we didn't have our horses there. Could have been a great learning experience but for some reason just wasn't supposed to happen for us right now.

So now we start the rework process with Cookee. Start from the beginning and fill in the holes in her foundation training which caused her to not load in the trailer this time.

What did we miss? Is it maybe her teeth or some other physical problem? So many questions.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Birthday Wishes To more than I can count

Happy Birthday to: Dad, Gammas Mom, Maggie, Buster and most importantly, Will aka "Lil Bear" and Layla, aka "The Texas Tornado"

You know you are getting old when your grand kids make sense on the phone... Well, howdy do to being old.

Got more birthdays in the month of April than any other and I did forget to mention a few but I'm sure that my sister will forgive me for not telling the whole world that on the 21st. she will be 46, but then again that would let you know that I'm 6 years older than her,oops... and for any one else that we forgot, well just mark it up to old age and the lack of grand kid visits, hint, hint...

To "The Texas Tornado" and "Lil Bear" Gimpa and Gamma wish you a happy Birthday and please tell your PARENTS TO SEND YOU HERE FOR A VISIT!(just a little hint folks,just a little hint.)

Weekend Natural Horsemanship Clinic

Well, it figures.

The weather was nice most of the week. (Except Monday when we had really high winds.) Now it's the weekend, and we have a clinic to be at, and the weather was windy yesterday, today it's cold. Below freezing cold.

Oh, well.

Guess it doesn't matter. Cookee, our princess, wouldn't load in the trailer. She didn't know the horse up front. The trailer had been used to haul lambs. She hit her head, twice, pulling back. Poor princess. We tried everyway we knew. We weren't going to beat her or use a butt rope. She's loaded so easily in the past.

Pat and Linda? Clinton? Chris? Craig? Anybody? What went wrong? What should we have done different? She's loaded so easily in the past.

Then there was Bear. He walked right in, sniffed all over, ate some hay. He didn't care about the lamb smell, or the other horse he didn't know, and he didn't hit his head, not even once, let alone twice.

We kept thinking he was going to be our problem, not Miss Cookee, our princess.

But how could we dare think a princess should be put in someplace there might have been a lamb, or there was a horse she didn't know? She'd loaded before with another horse she didn't know.

Who'd a thunk!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Went to Work Today!

Started my new job today.

I missed all my animals. Yes, the additional money will be nice, but I really missed my animals.

And, I forgot how many office politics there are. And, how much competition, and gossip, and "cat fights". I've been away for a long time.

I guess because the last place I worked was soooo big, and spread out, this same kind of stuff was there, but you could get away from it. In the small office I just started in, I can feel the before mentioned vibes already.

Very interesting.

Am I prepared for this kind of environment? I don't think so. But, this may be why I've been so comfortable being at home just working on the internet. Any "cat fights" were between two real cats or dogs, or horses. When it was done, it was done. No grudges, no retaliation, no back stabbing, no politics.

The games we humans play.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Who'd Ever Thunk

I totally can not believe what happened yesterday.

Hopefully, you read that I just got a job. A part-time job, which would leave me time for my horses.

Because of my rather sporadic work history at the moment, I promised these people in my two interviews that I was definitely looking for a long-time position. After the first interview, because the interviewer specifically questioned the gaps in the history, and the short time I was at my last two positions, I had emailed him to say, I knew my history was questionable, but I was definitely looking for a long-time position. I once again promised him that in my interview on this last Thursday, and was offered the job.

That was Thursday. Then yesterday, Saturday, my Hubby Honey was offered a position as ranch manager at a natural horsemanship training facility. I could be the bookkeeper, gopher person, part-time. We would live on the ranch. The commute time from the ranch to the job I just accepted would be, well, way overwhelming on a day to day basis. It would be an hour and a half drive, one-way.

What is a person to do? Why can't life just be easy? At least for just a short time?

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Cookee's First Trail Ride

I can't believe that just happened!!!! Gamma and I went for a walk with Bear and Cookee, I got tired of walking and got a burr under my foot, so to speak, anyway I turned Cookee around in the ditch and sidled her up along side me and got on!!!!

What happened next is well not much to write about unless you've been tossed off and are getting on a horse for the first time outside of it's familiar environment, let alone out in the desert and in a ditch to boot.

We went for a nice quiet walk, occasionally looking back to see Bear and Gamma, then walking on to find a new patch of grass or a new sagebrush to scratch on and finally home where she got to be unsaddled while she munched on the unopened bale of hay. Guess you had to be there.

Got to love our horses!

Friday, April 11, 2008

No More Dating, I'm Wed

How funny is this?

Lani got a job. Part of having a job is the adult contact and interaction in the work place. Adult conversation without being interrupted by children. She was looking forward to that. She is going to be working with children.

I got a job. Part of having a job is the adult contact and interaction in the work place. I was looking forward to that. I am going to be working with animals. Actually, there will be people to have contact with. Twelve people, twenty-five dogs, and thirty cats. I will still be talking with animals.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

To Get a Job or To Not Get a Job?

Yes, that is the question.

I do hope I get this job. It is part-time and would leave me plenty of time for my horses.

It would also give me some people contact. My daughter tells me I need people contact. Aren't animals enough? I can talk to my animals. That was good enough for Dr. Dolittle. My animals try hard to talk back. Okay, maybe I don't understand them as well as Dr. Dolittle, but we do get by.

I know when BB tips the food dish or the water bowl over, she wants food or water. If the dish or bowl wasn't empty before, it is after she tips it over. Right?

When Bob rolls over with his tummy to the sky, and gives me that look, I know he wants his belly rubbed. Or when he just sits there giving me that look, I know he wants his head rubbed.

When Niki jumps up on the edge of the bed in the morning and starts her talking at me, I know it's time to get up and feed the horses.

When Max the cat starts running around my feet and meowing, I know he wants a bite of my lunch, or breakfast, or he wants some canned cat food, or dry food, or maybe some water, or maybe outside. It's at least one of those. Or maybe he wants me to just sit down so he can sleep by me.

Okay, maybe people contact would be good.

At my last job there were plenty of people. Minimum of 100, then up to 300 during the holiday season. People are very interesting.

Yes, it would be a good thing to have some people contact. Wow! Then just think of how much more I would have to talk to my animals about, all the crazy people stories.

This could be fun!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

It Was Almost Spring Like Today

Today I got to spend some time with my horses! Yeah!

The weather was nice enough to go outside for awhile without being cold. The three youngest ones kept crowding each other to get brushed. Must have felt good.

Good news. Lani got a job. No more dating. Another Yeah!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The Great Slate Face Cracks

Posted by gimpajon
Well, I've been following along with what must be half the nation, Confessions Of A CF Husband and I have to say that tonight I teared up at the update on G&T, Reminded me of my little time ,not nearly as huge as what they are going thru, the time my own little girl arrived early. I got to be the first to see, touch and hold her as she flopped into my hand, no we did not have to spend days and months in the hospital but just the same the fear of all the what ifs... Check that site out and let me know if you can keep a slate face. Bet you can't.

Sorry we don't have a link set up but you can find it on lainers on the go linked here.

As for the horses here, plans are being made to haul to Fallon later this month and we are doing everything we can to try and make the clinic, but with Renogama possibly having to start a new job and my job getting much busier with the start of a major project, schedules could get tight. Will keep you up to date.


Watch yourself out with them vicious critters. Have fun anyway.

Posted by gimpajon,got to figure this stuf out...

Monday, April 7, 2008

Second Date

Got the call this morning! My second date, I mean followup interview, will be happening this Thursday. It should take about 1/2 hour, I was told.

To think, where I will or won't be spending a good deal of my time in the future, determined in one and one half hours. Will I get the third date, I mean job?

Who knows, not me.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Dang Horses!

Hubby Honey got charged and bit yesterday!

Dog gum horses!

Hubby Honey has been working with a horse for a lady to teach it to trailer load. Apparently it does not like going into a trailer, at all. Pretty typical.

The is one of those spoiled, dominant horses. Has gotten its way through intimidation. Isn't there a book out there, "Winning Through Intimidation?"

This horse read and reread that book. Really studied that book!

The lady owner has definitely been hoodwinked. Where'd that word come from? I know I've heard it somewhere.

The horse gets its way. The lady is scared of it. The horse knows that. Horses have a very strong sense of fear. That's what has kept them alive for so many years.

Hubby Honey had been working with the horse yesterday. Had even gotten it to put its front feet into the trailer a couple times. He was looking for a good place to end the training session. He said the horse was about ten feet in front of him. He was making it come forward, then back up. (I wasn't there to watch and help cause I was at that job interview. A job I probably won't get.)

He told me that all of a sudden the horse charged at him, bit him in the shoulder, and proceeded to try to run on by. Hubby Honey (definitely within the three second rule of disciplining a horse) got the horse turned then just started backing him up. Backed him as fast and far as he could within the pen the horse was in. Then he made him circle, stop, turn, circle, stop, turn, circle some more, stop, backup some more. I didn't get to see it (I was at a job interview), but sounded like the horse sure should have figured who the alpha was in that herd of two.

We were supposed to go back today for another training session, but the weather today is very yucky. The wind is just blasting through our valley. Too bad, cause that horse sure could use the reinforcement of the lesson from yesterday.

This is another way horses are kinda like kids. They test you every single time you are with them. It may not always look like they are testing you, but they are. They are just waiting for that moment when you show any sign of weakness. That moment when you have your hands full trying to fix dinner while talking on the phone, or you're just tired because you didn't get much sleep the night before because some child kept you awake.

They know!

So, why do we keep having them (kids), or buying them (horses)? Because when they aren't testing us, they are so cute and adorable. So loving and cuddly. Yes, horses can be cuddly. But, watch out for your toes, or as in Hubby Honey's case, your shoulder.

Children and Job Hunting

Our grandson, Andrew, has pneumonia. Poor little boy. Second time in just a short time. Please send prayers his way.

And, if you have looked into Hubby Honey's daughter's blog,"Lainer's on the Go!", notice her link to "Confessions of a CF Husband." His wife, Tricia, just had a double lung transplant. Many prayers to that whole family, please.

Just found out two of us in this family are looking for jobs. Lani is sending out applications, and I just had an interview yesterday.

Finding a job is so difficult. It's so much like a marriage. With all the time and energy put into it, you hopefully find something that makes you happy. But, what if you don't? Potential employers sure frown at you when they see a history of gaps in your employment, or short term employment. But, why should I stay somewhere I'm not happy? Somewhere where their policies just don't fit my beliefs or lifestyle? I wouldn't just marry the first guy that came along, just because he asked. At least in a personal relationship you have a chance to date and then decide if you are compatible. Why shouldn't you be able to always have a probational period at a job to see if it is fit without being penalized?

So, I was frowned at yesterday because I have some gaps in my employment history and some short-term employment. I really don't think I will get the job.
And, they don't seem to care that I had a house to build, or horses to train, or children to take of. It all seems very one-sided to me.

Then, think of all the time before the interview you spend going through every question you think they could possibly ask. Rehearsing your answers. Worrrying about making a very good impression. Then they ask totally different questions from what you thought of.

Then, after the interview, going through every question they asked. Calling yourself names for the answers you gave, and now talking to yourself about everything you should have said, but didn't. Again, calling yourself names. But, how do you know?

Then, you don't get the job. It could have been the perfect job. The one that made you happy forever. But, they chose someone else.

Sounds way too much like dating, except, you only get one date. Maybe two, if by some chance you get called back in for that second, all important, interview. Then you start all over again.

I coulda, shoulda, woulda, if only.

I'd much rather just stay home and play with my horses.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The Economics of Being a Cheap-o

Hubby Honey's brother has an article in It's called "The Economics of Being a Cheap-O - How to retire without a huge pension and enjoy it."

Great insight into the alternatives of having a huge amount of dollars in the bank to have for retirement.

Here's the link: then look in "What's New" for the article by the above name by, Jan R Cooke.

Conversation with Fitzin

This morning when I fed my horses I tried to have a conversation with Fitzin (my spooky, scared of everything horse).

In an earlier blog, I did describe some things about Fitzin and why I believe he has some of his problems. I am working with him to hopefully fix some of those problems. Problems I created because of my inexperience.

This morning while he ate I brushed him. A common belief among natural horse trainers, is that when the horses head is up, they are right brained, on adrenaline, on alert, ready to run or fight, ready to do whatever takes to stay alive. Once there head goes down, the endorphines are triggered, the feel goods.

So, in my mind, if I can have a conversation with Fitzin while his head is down, while he is in a feel good state of mind, hopefully he will relate me to that feel good moment. Maybe he can start to trust me and gain some confidence.

Are you asking, "Where's the conversation? Aren't you, ramblin renogamma, horse trainer, doing all the talking?"

In this beginning, I still might be. But, I am working on turning it into a conversation. Trying hard to listen to him.

This morning I watched for any moment when he was calm. That's when I would walk away to clean out the brush. That's when I would turn away to take any pressure off him. The retreat in the approach and retreat. Try to always leave before the horse does, always try to leave when the horse is still calm and trusting.

Whenever I would reapproach, his head would again go up, his neck all braced and stiff. "Please don't kill me! Please don't eat me!"

Calmly, letting out a deep breathe, and being very calm and quiet (BUT NEVER SNEAKY), I would let him sniff the brush, then start brushing his shoulder. When he would lower his head to eat I continued to brush the rest of him. Then, only when his head was down, when he was a feel good moment, I would retreat.

The last thing you do to a horse, is what he remembers, whether good or bad. This I learned from Joyce Gay who has the Natural Horsemanship Training Center here in northern Nevada.

I was trying very hard to have a conversation with Fitzin, "No, I am not going to kill you. No, I am not going to eat you. You don't have to be scared all the time. It's okay to be with people."

How do I relate this grandbabies? Just be sure to have a conversation with them. There's nothing better for a person's ego than to know you believe they are important enough to have a true conversation with.

Does Language Guarantee Conversation?

Have you ever thought you were having a conversation with another person only to discover it was not a conversation at all?

You were both talking, but only one of you was really listening?

From the time I was a teenager, I have been told I am a really great listener. If someone had a problem, I was the one to come to. Yup! I listen really great. Actually, I do give feedback while I'm listening, but lots of people just don't hear. Many, many people are too busy talking to really hear the other person.

Conversation? I don't think so.

I was thinking about this and trying to relate it to horse training. With natural horsemanship, there is language developed between the horse and the person. Hubby Honey and I have started calling this horsonage. Horse person lanuage. We started with horslish, but decided English is not the only language humans speak, so it should be something else. So, horsonage.

But is there conversation?

Just because you have a common language does not mean you will have conversation.

How about communication? You can have communication without a common language. Or, is it then a nonverbal language, like what is taught in natural horsemanship?

But again, is there a conversation? A two-way communication with both talking and both listening?

Do you have a conversation with your horse, or just talk?

Do you have a conversation with your child, or do you just talk?

Does your child have a conversation with you, but maybe you don't listen?

Do you have conversation with other people, or does one of you just talk?

Click on the word below to see definitions from




If I can't have a conversation with another person, if they are just talking without listening, why should I waste my energy to talk back? Maybe that's why I am considered such a great listener.

Maybe that's why I am here bein a ramblin gamma, I carry on very good conversations with myself.

By the way, I am still trying to relate this to my horses.