Saturday, June 7, 2008

Been awhile

Been awhile since I've posted,sorry bout that I know how you must miss my wit and humor, ok that was suppose to be a joke. Alas it's been awhile since I've had to deal with a sick wife, yes Reongamma is not feeling very good!!!

Last night I stood and watched as gamma not only drove the porcilin bus, but gave amage to the porcilin gods, yes she was that sick, don't think it was my cooking but does make a mind think about the fridge being out.

Today she is just kind of, well how do you say not up to being herself. Not that it's really an issue as we go by the three day rule, so she has untilTues. to be back on her feet, until then I will give her a break.

Other news in the making, well not much, with the exception of the guy at one of our suppliers for work was interested in buying one of our horses, that is until he and his wife(a nurse) and daughter( the prospect for the new horse) were the first arrive upon a grizzly scene, a horse spooked and jumped into traffic and was hit by an oncoming car. Not a pretty picture, both horse and rider died, the horse put down by a police officer at the scene and the rider three days latter in the hospital(toss one back towards heaven for her) now the horse thing is gone for the daughter, for now.

Grandpa got ripped off again, if only I could get my hands on those bas.....s, hopefully the feds will do something this time but I'm not holding my breath, so again we start a new account process. Heavy sigh...

Got to go feed now, Gamma is asleep again, sort of, I think this is going to be a long night again.
