Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas day 2008

Well, how do I express my feelings, Dad always loved Christmas, I did not. He made sure we had presents under the tree even when we had no money, he cooked special dinners and made his famous fudge, yum, yum.

This Christmas Day, I'm cooking a ham and remembering the sounds of Mom and Dad in the kitchen, laughing and arguing about how much of this and that to put into the meal, the sounds and smells of Christmas, tho this is not my favorite time of year, this year I honor my parents, listening to carols and reflecting on the good times we had when I was young.

We have Christmas snow this morning so that makes it special, Dad always wished for a white Christmas.

We are blessed as a family and to have had two such special people in our life makes this road we travel that much more enjoyable.

Merry Christmas Mom and Dad!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Chris Rice: Untitled Hymn

Song for Sunday, December 17, 2008: Dedicated to Rev. William R. Cooke (Papa):

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Song for Sunday December 7 (Just a couple days late)

Life just has not been simple lately.

I thought I was back to having a song for Sunday. Then once again, life decided to change my plan. On Saturday evening HubbyHoney's dad ended up in the hospital. So Sunday, I was not thinking at all about the blog.

He was at a Christmas party when he experienced dizziness and then vomiting. He was taken to the emergency room at the local hospital. It was believed he had an anurisun (sp). He was then transferred to the medical center at Stanford University. The bleeding in his head has now apparently stopped on its own, and the hospital is just keeping him to observe to be sure. At this time he is stable and hopefully getting out of ICU this evening.

Once again it is time to thank everyone for their prayers.

Hopefully next Sunday there will once again be a song.

Monday, December 1, 2008


One good thing about having a building fall on me is that I get to work at home. A real, legitimate, job at home. After the horse shelter collapsed on me, my boss and I had talked about how I could still do my work. He and the board president decided the easiest thing would be for me to have my work computer here at home. Hubby Honey could pick up and deliver the work.

My dream come true. As my son said, "Mom, seems you could have found an easier way to be able to work at home. Having a building fall on you seems a bit extreme."

I would have to agree, but it worked. In no way did I plan for this to happen. I'll sure take the good with the bad though.

So working at home. Ahhhhh! I still don't have all my energy, guess my bones are taking some of it to heal. But still, I could get used to this. Last week I put in a little over eighteen hours . Today, about four. Doesn't sound like many hours. But no distractions. All that time was on work. No chit chat with talkative employees. I won't mention any names. No office full of people not talking to me, but being disruptive. Ahhhhhh! If only I can find a way to make this permanent.

I could even see my horses out the window. I actually have a window to see out of. My office at work is basically in a big closet. No windows! I am a claustrophobic. I have a hard time without a window. I had been dealing with it, but sure prefer being able to see what's happening outside.

Hubby Honey just brought me dinner. Guess I'll go eat. I mean sit here and eat. No, I am not getting spoiled. Well, yes I am, but this part I really don't like. We always do the meal thing together. I will be very glad to be able to be back to sharing all the chores this place of ours requires.

Countdown: Five more weeks to putting pressure on my leg.

Thanks again for all the prayers.