Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas day 2008

Well, how do I express my feelings, Dad always loved Christmas, I did not. He made sure we had presents under the tree even when we had no money, he cooked special dinners and made his famous fudge, yum, yum.

This Christmas Day, I'm cooking a ham and remembering the sounds of Mom and Dad in the kitchen, laughing and arguing about how much of this and that to put into the meal, the sounds and smells of Christmas, tho this is not my favorite time of year, this year I honor my parents, listening to carols and reflecting on the good times we had when I was young.

We have Christmas snow this morning so that makes it special, Dad always wished for a white Christmas.

We are blessed as a family and to have had two such special people in our life makes this road we travel that much more enjoyable.

Merry Christmas Mom and Dad!

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