Friday, January 2, 2009

2009 Oh My (Really)

Well here we are and it is the year of ??? I have no idea, ask the Chinese or some other ethnic group all I know is that we are on a road less traveled or should I say not traveled at all.

New job, taking care of Dads stuff and wind from HELL today, door blew open at 4:11 am, dogs ran out, papers flying around the house, cats scattered, and Gamma is working on the new idea of walking. Other than that in just 18 more days we have a new president, pray for him but mostly pray for our country.

"Trust but verify" One of our greatest Presidents coined that phrase and at this time we must trust and depend on time to verify(scared, very scared)

Sorry but I can't help myself I do get political from time to time, but with jobs here getting scarce and kids and grand kids depending on the school system of three different states, God help us all!

OK, enough of that, we look forward to a great year and acknowledge the fact that we are BLESSED and all things will work out.

Gamma continues to improve and is that close to walking, the dogs, cats and horse are all healthy and I have a job, so we are truly BLESSED!

Have a great new year and may God richly Bless you and yours.

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