Friday, January 23, 2009

New Year, New Life

What can I say. Hmmm. Life is so interesting. Just when you think you have things figured out, well, you find you don't. What's the saying? "If you want to hear God laugh, tell him your plans"?? So, we are off to a new adventure. HubbyHoney got laid off from his job last Friday. First time in 30 years that he has no job. What an awakening. Literally. Every morning now him waking up and not knowing what to do for the day.

Just when I was starting to get back to normal. Walking again. Slowly, very slowly, but really walking!

So, what now?

The job market here in Reno is really bad. It definitely is not retirement time. Not when you have four horses, four dogs, and two cats to feed.

So, what now?


Then only time will tell.

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