Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Yikes!! It's Been a Month

Yikes!!! It's been almost a month since I've blogged.

In that time I've found Facebook. In that time I've gone back to work. In that time I've ridden Bear.

Facebook is fun. It is a shorter version of a blog, with much more interaction with the family. I still haven't figured it all out, but there's plenty of time.

Going back to work. Wow!!! I like the people contact, sort of. But there seems to be a lot of drama right now. Is it just the people I work closest with, or is it really the whole place? Three people have been fired (let go) since I came back on June 1. Yikes!! Who's next?

Bear. What can I say about Bear? What a great horse! Since my accident he has been ridden one time. HubbyHoney rode him along our fence line once in that time. So, I decide it's time to get back in the saddle. I go down to the horse pen. I put a halter on him, then take him to our round pen. I put a blanket on him. I put a saddle on him. I put me on him. No problem!! We go around the round pen about twice. Each direction, once. No problem!! I get off. What a great ride! Thank you, Bear!!!!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Life's Been Busy

Howdy! Finally I'm back. Been awhile.

We finished up our volunteer days with Horses for the Spirit. That was alot of fun. The girls were great! We are looking forward to helping out again next fall. It will be different girls, (we will miss the ones we already met and got to know a little about), but we will enjoy meeting new ones and introducing them to horses and natural horsemanship.

We attended the Parelli Celebration here in Reno. Three very full days of good horse stuff. We learned alot and can't wait to get back out and play with our horses. I also now need to save up my pennies to purchase some of their new stuff. Isn't that the way? Just when you think there can't be anything else, they come out with new, very interesting stuff. Oh, well.

Got finished with the book I was typing for a guy I know. He is plenty excited about getting it published. Hope it all works out well for him. He has worked on this a long time. Took him alot of research time and just studying about grammar and spelling and then the writes and rewrites. My own books were no where near as complicated. By the way, just got a message from my publisher, my book, "Jasmine's Secret", has been put in Amazon.com. Sounds kind of impressive, but with the price they are asking I really don't think it will improve my sales. Guess that makes me an official published author though. I don't really know how to feel about that.

The down side, I go back to the office on June 1. Yuck! I've been very spoiled working at home. Guess if my leg and shoulder are well enough to play with horses (still very cautiously), I am well enough to drive into work. Drove in halfway on Tuesday. My leg wasn't real happy, but feels like it will survive. I tried to bribe the Doctor to say it wasn't ready, but he wouldn't go for it. It will all be okay. Seems to be some drama going on their right now, so could be interesting. I just need to stay out of it. Sometimes that is hard to do, but I have to.

Okay, back to work time. I have some stuff to do before disconnecting my computer and getting it ready to be moved.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

And The Politics Thereof

Today is the 15th of April, we all know what that means... However today was a bit different for Reno Gamma and me. We loaded up in our truck this morning despite the wind and snow and headed off to Carson City (the capital of Nevada for those of you in parts unknown) and attended our FIRST EVER political rally or event, whatever you want to call it. Yes, people, we went to a T.E.A. Party. We took our flags and joined thousands of other Nevadan's to voice our disapproval of the direction our President and Congress is taking our country!

Now to be honest, I did protest the hair policy and the barring of boys in home ec while in high school, but I'm not sure that really counts as a political protest.(Yes I can sew and cook. I even make up some of my own recipes.)

We found ourselves in the midst of alot of people just like us. People who go to work(wish I had a job) every day and don't have time to attend these kinds of things. We did see and thank our Congressman, Dean Heller, one of the good guys, who doesn't think our President and the rest of Congress has a right to spend my (our) Grandkids money (we now have 4 1/2, #5 due in September) but we also saw lots of Veterans, Grandparents and kids, ranging from the very young to high school, along with several very cute dogs with signs of their own.

Now that I don't go to work every morning, I have time to pursue my other passion, politics. Now I've been told I'm not very politically correct. No kidding! I make no apologies for that, but I am really proud of the fact that I had a dad who taught me to stand up for what I believe in and to stand up for what is right!

I'm mad as HELL and for the life of me I can't figure out how or why some of our elected officials think they are above the laws they write or that they have a right to take what I've worked hard for and to take away any chance my Grandkids have of making it to the top.

They say that some of us may be extremist, well if believing in God and Country and The Pursuit of Happiness is extremist, so be it, and if the Department of Homeland Insecurity thinks that is so then they should not have any problem finding me, and if they think they can take what I believe in, yes, that would include the right to own guns, then come and get me and them (Warning: you had best make sure I have the dogs put up! yea right.) So for now keep in mind that some idiot out there may actually believe in the Constition and think that the Government is suppose to work for the PEOPLE not the other way around, and if you find one of them make sure you vote for them in 2010!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Sunday, March 15, 2009

New Adventure

HubbyHoney and I are embarking on a new adventure.

We are volunteering with a group that uses horses and natural horsemanship methods, to work with kids.

We are still in the training portion, but start with the kids this Wednesday.

Should be interesting.

We have also started going to the library. Wow!! I really love books, but like to buy them and keep them so I can read them at my speed. No worry about late fees, or not finishing a book cause I didn't get the chance to finish reading it. In the present economy though, and HubbyHoney not employed, the library will be a great place to go. And actually, we might read more books because it won't cost us anything.

Third Day - Revelation

Song for Sunday, March 15, 2009

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Am I showing my AGE???

Rindy,(Renogamma) is on the phone with her son Arlo and some where in the conversation they started talking about electricity and how it flows, then came the example of the flow of (water) same same, streams and damns, resoviours, breakers and such, the idea of a FUSE? came into the chatter, for those of you under the age of???? we used to have in the "Breaker box" a series of, get this SCREW IN FUSES, kind of like a light bulb only different, or some that looked like shot gun shells with copper ends and a lever that you pushed or pulled depending on whether or not you were brave or STUPID.

Today we have BREAKERS that flip when something isn't right, the little red line tells you "oops", flip right and then left and by golly look at that. Well usta be you had to go look and check for the blown out fuse, which one is it? Without a flashlight, well that would be blind man's bluff! Really been there and done that... seriosly I really mean it! Just ask.... well never mind.

Now for todays lesson: Oh wait I need to go start the generator...

Jeremy Camp - Right Here

Song for Sunday, March 8, 2009.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

My Horseanality

The fabulous quater horse? Funny I thought I would have been a mule!

What breed of horse are you? Find out!

The Horse I Would Be

This was fun. I took this test to find out what kind of horse I would be, if I were a horse. It said I would be a mustang, probably buckskin or dun in color. Interesting! I own a mustang and a dun colored mare.

What breed of horse are you? Find out!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Matthew West - The Motions

Song for Sunday, March 1, 2009, just a couple days late:

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Please Mr. Obama (President?)

Things I am Thankful for Today

1) I have a job
2) I can walk (this may still come before number one, but I just had my job performance review so the job factor is up front in my mind)
3) I am alive. (This is really first before anything else, but now that I am definitely alive (my energy is coming back) Oh my gosh, I am really out of order here. Being alive is definitely the most important, NUMBER ONE! Being able to walk is definitely NUMBER TWO! That's because I am still very attached to my horses. Well, no, that's just because I can WALK!
4) You just don't know how important things are in your life until you almost lose them.
5) The job is minimal to just being alive and for me, just being able to walk. I came so close to losing both of those.
6) HubbyHoney is agreeing. Thank you Lord for him!
7) Okay, but in today's economy, I do have a job. And that was reinforced in my job performance review. I have a job unless the company I work for closes it's doors. Which in this economy could happen. It's happened to many other companies. HubbyHoney's for example. Obama, I'll keep my liberty, you keep your change.

Newsboys: I am free

This is Gimpas (HubbyHoneys) choice for Song for Sunday

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Happy Birthday Jonathan!!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Aaron Shust: Give Me Words to Speak

Song for Sunday, February 15, 2009

Saturday, February 14, 2009


Well actually I'm not, it just sounded like a good title. I am not depressed, not even when all we hear on the news says we should be, the economy, jobs lost, and the massive spending bill that just got rammed down our throats. Why should I be depressed?

I sit here writing this and wonder??? Where would I be without?

See I could say the last 3 months have been some what, shall we say down right depressing, but if you look closely you can see all the reasons for not being depressed!

1: Nov. 8 2008 I come within inches of loosing my Rindy, ah but didn't, she is up and walking and she even went into her office yesterday for a couple of hours, gone from bed ridden to a wheelchair to a cane and crutches to high steeping around the house and property and ridding a stationary bike. (yes I still change the cat box for her)
2: Nov. 11 2008 Rindy has surgery on her knee, I also get told that the company I work for is closing, they did and I got another job.
3: Dec.6 2008 my Dad has a stroke and is flown to Stanford Univ. Hospital, and on Dec. 13 2008 he graduates from this world to the next! He is with Jesus and dancing forever with Mom, and I can only guess what he might be playing on the universes biggest and best pipe organ!
4: Jan. 13 2009 I get laid off, the first time since 1980 I have been without a job, now that could be very depressing but for some reason both Rindy and I have a peace about the situation and that is really more scary than depressing.

So Happy Valentines Day and be close with the one's you love and Praise God for the one's that taught you to be happy in the place you are.

I look forward to what the next 3 months bring and I don't think it will be what our Government can give me it will be what God has in store for us and it will be more than enough to make up for the last 3 months!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Is This Appropriate?

This may not be appropriate for a subject on this blog. It has nothing to do with horses, or my job, or my grandbabies. It has nothing to do with the lack of a job for HubbyHoney. It has nothing to do with living off the grid, having no monthly power bill, but dealing with cloudy days and a generator when you have no solar power.

It has to do with the potential of my son joining the military. I can stand proudly for those others who have joined, and some died, to keep us free. Check back to Sunday, one of my things to be thankful for was the freedom of living in the United States of America. Freedom, choices.

But my own son being one of those to give us that freedom. Very scary!

So I am a mother torn. So proud of the others, but my own son? Oh, yes! I would be so proud! But to encourage him? WOW!! What do I say? What do I do?

My little baby. My baby boy. My youngest child! Yikes!!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Things to be Thankful for Today

1) Walking!
2) Good Health
3) A man who loves me
4) A man to love
5) Freedom (What we have here in the United States of America)
6) Choices (Part of freedom)
7) Our children and their children

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Aaron Shust: My Savior My God

Song for Sunday, February 8, 2009

Friday, February 6, 2009

Goldee aka Sweet D is now Bella

Remember our horse Goldee that we said goodbye to back on September 21st of last year? I had emailed the new owner a couple times since November and had not heard back. I was starting to get worried. What had happened to Goldee? What had maybe happened to her new owner? I had a building fall on me. Someone else could have had the same kind of occurance in their life. I was sure hoping not, but she had been emailing me. Now for three months I had not heard from her.

She and Goldee had been coming along really well. She had been talking about riding. What had happened?

Alas! (Is that really a word nowadays?) I finally heard from the new owner just this week. She is fine. Goldee is now Bella. Just like our Corgi puppy. The new owner said she hoped I wasn't offended that she had changed Goldee's name. When we brought Goldee home, she was Tessa. That didn't last long. Very shortly she became Sweet D. Which had started as Sweetie until we discovered she wasn't all that sweet. She could be sweet, but then she could be very defiant. Thus, Sweet D. Is "thus" really a word nowadays?

Then, when I started writing a blog about her training, (not this blog, but another blog) she became Goldee. It just seemed easier since I was trying to believe that our natural horsemanship training methods would keep her from being "Sweet D." No defiance! Well, I was hoping. If we had been able to have some kind of consistancy in her training, I do believe the defiant part would have not shown up as much as it did. Actually, the defiance did decrease because we quit pushing her as hard as we had in the beginning. We started to try to listen to what she was trying to tell us. "Read your horse."

Too bad we didn't have the time to give her what she needed. That is why she has a new owner though. I guess we explained all that back in September.

Anyway, after not hearing from Genny (the new owner) for almost three months, I finally got an email from her this past week. Hoorah!!

Everyone is fine. Goldee, now Bella, did have an oops back at the beginning of December. She decided to rub her butt on a T-post and ended up impaling herself with the post. Horses!! Genny called the vet, who came out and stitched up Bella's hindquarters. The pictures Genny sent in her email to me showed Bella's hindquarters have healed very nicely.

Horses! Any resemblence to children is purely coincidental.

Working at Home vs Working at an Office Somewhere Else

Well now, the more I think about going back to work at the location of my employer versus doing my job at home, the more my whole insides screams it doesn't want to leave home.

This is something I have been praying about. Every since a building fell on me I have been trying to analyse why, and, yah, WHY!!! I had a conversation with a couple of ladies I work with before the building incident. I was feeling very frustrated because even working just part-time, I had no time for my horses. Just like my insides screaming about working for someone else, my insides scream about my horses. I am supposed to have and do with horses. At least according to my gut. Just like I am not supposed to work for someone else, I am supposed to work for myself. And I will work. I have proven that.

Just think about the economics of working at home versus driving to another location to do my work. This relates to an article by my brother-in-law, "The Economics of Being a Cheapo." (Read it at: http://www.homestead.org/. Go to articles on "Frugality", go to the bottom and search for Jan Cooke on Homestead. org to see his articles.) By working at home, I get a raise. This is not only in a monetary amount, but also in a time amount. I have way more time for myself and my homelife. That is actually more important to me than the money.

I love being at my home. I love being able to look out my window as I work and see my horses. I love to be able to take a break and take a walk with my dogs. I love being able to take a break and throw some dishes into the dishwasher or a load of laundry into the washing machine. I don't have to wait until the weekend, or the evening, when I am already drained from putting up with office politics, or the assorted personalities and conflicts.

Actually, I enjoy the people and their assorted personalities. I just like to be able to do my work when it is supposed to be done and not have to deal with those personalities when I am supposed to be working. It is so difficult to stay focused when there is turmoil all around you. And that seems to happen quite often when you work in an office with other people in close range.

When I am at home, if my dogs decide to get all riled up and bark about who knows what, I can throw them all outside (except the little one-don't want her getting eaten). In an office environment, you can't just walk away, or tell everyone to leave when some one person decides to get on a roll about some subject, and won't shutup. You, I, have to be polite and listen to them, and maybe say some things to help their life. Okay, that might be my own fault, since school, I have been told, "You are such a good listener. Just talking to you, I feel so much better." I usually never said a word. The person just needed to talk to figure things out. Maybe I should have been a psychologist or psychiatrist. I probably would have made a bunch more money, and it was something I already did and seemed to be good at. (Listen to people.)

But, it's not what I did. Instead, I became a bookkeeper. When I took a bookkeeping class my senior year of high school, it was the one class that seemed to make sense to me. Everything was pretty black and white. You just followed the rules and everything fell into place. Not like in life where just following the rules still leaves so many unanswered questions.

Okay, I know I'm rambling, but that building falling on me left me in such a position of wanting change. What is the right change though? What is the plan for me?

Time for more prayer.

Oh, by the way, I am adding Chris Tomlin (I love his verson of "Amazing Grace", not the video, but the singing) to my video bars at the bottom of this page. I couldn't find a way to have a playlist, so added the video bars instead. They are at the bottom of this page. So far haven't found a way to add just my favorite songs by certain artists, but have added the artists with songs selected by UTube. Hope you enjoy. So far, Chris Tomlin and Third Day are my favorites.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Like to Play Games?

Too bad, but I found a fun place to go on my computer. www.pogo.com. It's a great way to exercise your brain a bit, and relax for a little while if you don't have anything much else to do. Yah right! It's free and fun. So if I don't show up here for a while again, I might be playing Safari Majoung (sp) instead of blogging.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Back to Work?

Oh No!!!

Today I talked to a lady I work with. She said she had just talked to my boss. He told her he is expecting me back in the office in about two weeks. My next doctor's appointment is February 9th. He is expecting me back shortly after that. I guess I am the one who gave him that impression.

But, I don't want to. I have really enjoyed working at home. I have made it through the busiest time of the year for my type of work. Doing it at home. So many less distractions. So nice to not have to commute everyday. So much saved time. Time to spend on the job instead of in traffic. (Or maybe playing with a dog, or maybe doing the laundry or dishes.)

What am I to do?

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Feels Like Spring

The weather here lately has been great. Great walking weather. Yes, I am walking. Hoorah for walking!

Things to be thankful for today:

1) Walking!
2) Health
3) Sunshine
4) HoneyHubby back from California (He was only gone for a day, but I'm glad he's home)
5) I have a job
6) HoneyHubby does get unemployment until he finds a job
7) People like Lani who tells people like "Skippy" just what she thinks of them! (With sarcasm and a flip of the hair)

Third Day: Revelation

Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Innocence of Young Ones

Okay, at this point in time I don't have any young children at home, but I do have young grandchildren.

I also have a puppy. She is now about nine months old, but still so innocent. Just like a young child. She is (and will be) a small dog. She is a purebred Welsh Corgi. The heart of a lion, but the size of a large kitty cat.

So innocent.

She has no idea that there are coyotees here that would, in an instant, have her for a snack. It's so much about my earlier blog about the cougar at the door.

And, you with young children, they are so innocent. The internet is sooooo big. And has so much potential for danger. Just looking at My Space and seeing all the danger that someone young and innocent would have no idea of the dangers.

Back to the puppy. She just loves being outside. When all the other dogs come inside she wants to be outside by herself. She has no idea that just this week, twice, I have seen coyotees within 200 feet of our house. Coyotees between our house and where she has been zooming around, all by herself, by the horse pens.

She is just a dog. Yes, a very special dog. Yes, a very big part of this family. A dog who was rescued from a shelter. Who, by chance, was just dropped off at the shelter when I showed up to drop off some checks.

I stay away from the shelter as much as I can so I don't get soft and adopt every dog I see. But, that day, she was there. The people relinquishing her hadn't even left yet. I walked in at just the wrong time, or as I see it now, just the right time. She IS a SPECIAL dog.

But, she has no idea of the dangers of this place. Just like a young, innocent child. No concept of the dangers of this world.

I remember when my children were young. At that time a movie had just come out about a young boy who had been abducted. "Stephen?" I have tried to block it out, but at that time I made a very big point of making my two children watch it and then had many conversations about that movie.

Years later, my son told me he had been very scared from watching the movie. He questioned as to why I made him watch it. He was so young and innocent. Why would a mom intentionally make her child fear people?

Why would a mom intentionally take away that innocence? It is so precious. The child with no fear of this world. No fear. If only we could all live with that same innocence and not be taken advantage of.

That brings me to another side of this. Senior citizens. They are also taken advantage of. They grew up in a world of trust. The hand shake to seal a contract. But that is not the way it is today. The world has changed. Not for the better. Today we all have to take precautions. We all have to be careful. As HubbyHoney says, "Trust but verify." Ronald Reagan?

Just to say, no matter how much our young puppy wants out to go play, how cute she is zooming around with no idea of any dangers, she must always be watched over and protected. Children you can only protect for a short while. They will eventually go out into the world on their own. You can only hope that while they were in your control you taught them the things that will protect them and get them by in this world.

Pretty much, it's all a matter of prayer. You can only do what you feel is best, then it's out of your hands. I pray for my adult children daily.

Friday, January 23, 2009

New Year, New Life

What can I say. Hmmm. Life is so interesting. Just when you think you have things figured out, well, you find you don't. What's the saying? "If you want to hear God laugh, tell him your plans"?? So, we are off to a new adventure. HubbyHoney got laid off from his job last Friday. First time in 30 years that he has no job. What an awakening. Literally. Every morning now him waking up and not knowing what to do for the day.

Just when I was starting to get back to normal. Walking again. Slowly, very slowly, but really walking!

So, what now?

The job market here in Reno is really bad. It definitely is not retirement time. Not when you have four horses, four dogs, and two cats to feed.

So, what now?


Then only time will tell.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Mark Harris: One True God

Song for Sunday, January 18, 2009

Friday, January 2, 2009

2009 Oh My (Really)

Well here we are and it is the year of ??? I have no idea, ask the Chinese or some other ethnic group all I know is that we are on a road less traveled or should I say not traveled at all.

New job, taking care of Dads stuff and wind from HELL today, door blew open at 4:11 am, dogs ran out, papers flying around the house, cats scattered, and Gamma is working on the new idea of walking. Other than that in just 18 more days we have a new president, pray for him but mostly pray for our country.

"Trust but verify" One of our greatest Presidents coined that phrase and at this time we must trust and depend on time to verify(scared, very scared)

Sorry but I can't help myself I do get political from time to time, but with jobs here getting scarce and kids and grand kids depending on the school system of three different states, God help us all!

OK, enough of that, we look forward to a great year and acknowledge the fact that we are BLESSED and all things will work out.

Gamma continues to improve and is that close to walking, the dogs, cats and horse are all healthy and I have a job, so we are truly BLESSED!

Have a great new year and may God richly Bless you and yours.