Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Is This Appropriate?

This may not be appropriate for a subject on this blog. It has nothing to do with horses, or my job, or my grandbabies. It has nothing to do with the lack of a job for HubbyHoney. It has nothing to do with living off the grid, having no monthly power bill, but dealing with cloudy days and a generator when you have no solar power.

It has to do with the potential of my son joining the military. I can stand proudly for those others who have joined, and some died, to keep us free. Check back to Sunday, one of my things to be thankful for was the freedom of living in the United States of America. Freedom, choices.

But my own son being one of those to give us that freedom. Very scary!

So I am a mother torn. So proud of the others, but my own son? Oh, yes! I would be so proud! But to encourage him? WOW!! What do I say? What do I do?

My little baby. My baby boy. My youngest child! Yikes!!

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