Friday, February 6, 2009

Goldee aka Sweet D is now Bella

Remember our horse Goldee that we said goodbye to back on September 21st of last year? I had emailed the new owner a couple times since November and had not heard back. I was starting to get worried. What had happened to Goldee? What had maybe happened to her new owner? I had a building fall on me. Someone else could have had the same kind of occurance in their life. I was sure hoping not, but she had been emailing me. Now for three months I had not heard from her.

She and Goldee had been coming along really well. She had been talking about riding. What had happened?

Alas! (Is that really a word nowadays?) I finally heard from the new owner just this week. She is fine. Goldee is now Bella. Just like our Corgi puppy. The new owner said she hoped I wasn't offended that she had changed Goldee's name. When we brought Goldee home, she was Tessa. That didn't last long. Very shortly she became Sweet D. Which had started as Sweetie until we discovered she wasn't all that sweet. She could be sweet, but then she could be very defiant. Thus, Sweet D. Is "thus" really a word nowadays?

Then, when I started writing a blog about her training, (not this blog, but another blog) she became Goldee. It just seemed easier since I was trying to believe that our natural horsemanship training methods would keep her from being "Sweet D." No defiance! Well, I was hoping. If we had been able to have some kind of consistancy in her training, I do believe the defiant part would have not shown up as much as it did. Actually, the defiance did decrease because we quit pushing her as hard as we had in the beginning. We started to try to listen to what she was trying to tell us. "Read your horse."

Too bad we didn't have the time to give her what she needed. That is why she has a new owner though. I guess we explained all that back in September.

Anyway, after not hearing from Genny (the new owner) for almost three months, I finally got an email from her this past week. Hoorah!!

Everyone is fine. Goldee, now Bella, did have an oops back at the beginning of December. She decided to rub her butt on a T-post and ended up impaling herself with the post. Horses!! Genny called the vet, who came out and stitched up Bella's hindquarters. The pictures Genny sent in her email to me showed Bella's hindquarters have healed very nicely.

Horses! Any resemblence to children is purely coincidental.

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