Sunday, June 20, 2010

Once Again, It's Been Awhile

Once again, it's been awhile since I've been here.

So much has happened in the last year, actually the last year and a half.

The biggest thing is that my son joined the Army.  He left for Afghanistan on Wednesday.  I am a thankful American, a proud parent, and a very scared mom.  I am finding some support through some groups and individuals on facebook.  The people where I work are also being very supportive.  A couple of them have children who are in or have been the military and spent time deployed in the Middle East or Africa or somewhere far away.  Please pray for the safety and well-being of my son and all his "battle buddies."

The horse life, which is why this blog was originally started, is still suffering.  HubbyHoney went back to work in April of this year.  His schedule and my schedule conflict.  We are very thankful to both have jobs though.  So, NO complaining.  The horses get fed and maintained for now.  I am thinking of trying to find a closeby riding companion, but will need to get alot of groundwork done before I will have the confidence for that.

So, life goes on here at the ranchette.