Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Yikes!! It's Been a Month

Yikes!!! It's been almost a month since I've blogged.

In that time I've found Facebook. In that time I've gone back to work. In that time I've ridden Bear.

Facebook is fun. It is a shorter version of a blog, with much more interaction with the family. I still haven't figured it all out, but there's plenty of time.

Going back to work. Wow!!! I like the people contact, sort of. But there seems to be a lot of drama right now. Is it just the people I work closest with, or is it really the whole place? Three people have been fired (let go) since I came back on June 1. Yikes!! Who's next?

Bear. What can I say about Bear? What a great horse! Since my accident he has been ridden one time. HubbyHoney rode him along our fence line once in that time. So, I decide it's time to get back in the saddle. I go down to the horse pen. I put a halter on him, then take him to our round pen. I put a blanket on him. I put a saddle on him. I put me on him. No problem!! We go around the round pen about twice. Each direction, once. No problem!! I get off. What a great ride! Thank you, Bear!!!!

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