Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The Great Slate Face Cracks

Posted by gimpajon
Well, I've been following along with what must be half the nation, Confessions Of A CF Husband and I have to say that tonight I teared up at the update on G&T, Reminded me of my little time ,not nearly as huge as what they are going thru, the time my own little girl arrived early. I got to be the first to see, touch and hold her as she flopped into my hand, no we did not have to spend days and months in the hospital but just the same the fear of all the what ifs... Check that site out and let me know if you can keep a slate face. Bet you can't.

Sorry we don't have a link set up but you can find it on lainers on the go linked here.

As for the horses here, plans are being made to haul to Fallon later this month and we are doing everything we can to try and make the clinic, but with Renogama possibly having to start a new job and my job getting much busier with the start of a major project, schedules could get tight. Will keep you up to date.


Watch yourself out with them vicious critters. Have fun anyway.

Posted by gimpajon,got to figure this stuf out...

1 comment:

Lani said...

I was at a party last night with a bunch of girlfriends and we were talking about birthing stories, so I told them about you delivering me. They were all wide-eyed and freaked out. One of them said, "Never tell my husband that story. He already doesn't want kids!" Hee-hee!

Hope the scheduling stuff works out!