Sunday, September 28, 2008

Updated the HubbyHoney do List

Wow, the summer just zoomed by. It and Bella have alot in commom. Zoom Zoom!

So, today I updated the HubbyHoney do list. There's always next year, right?

Bella is finally loosing her puppy fangs. For a while she had all double teeth. That was quite a mouth full for her. She's down to only one lower puppy fang left. But sure looks funny to have the two teeth side by side. Really looked funny with all eight. If we'd had batteries for the camera, we could have gotten some pictures.

Hopefully, one of us will remember batteries soon. It's truly amazing how many great pictures you feel like you miss when you can't use the camera. Yes, like the lizard on the screen that Bella was trying to play with. In reality, by the time we could have gotten the camera and been ready to take the picture, the lizard would have run away. But, it was a cute thought.

Need to go find how to move the HubbyHoney Do List up so HubbyHoney can actually find it. Now wonder we didn't get much done on it, it's too far towards the bottom of this page to see.

I'll be back!

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