Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Morining After The Day Before

What does it mean to be an "Old Fart" let me count the ways.
1) The things you did yesterday hurt more than Advil can take care of.
2) The things you did yesterday cause certain parts of your body to look different than they did.
3) The puppy is ten times hevier than she was yesterday.
4) The T.V. has to be that much louder.
5) Do you realize how far it is to the bathroom? I do now.
6) Taking the puppy for a walk is work.
7) Did you know football is on all day on Sunday? I do now.
8) Nap time is a good thing, not for the kid(or puppy) but for you.
9) I forgot this one but that goes along with the rest of the theme. Oh yea memory that was it, but I forgot what I was going to say.
10) Sorry but gotta go gotta go right now!!!

Well now sometimes I crack myself up but the real truth is more of the top 10 than you know is true! (I'll be right back gotta go)

Reality is as you get older you figure out what is important and what doesn't matter, with the weekend's storm in Tx and having even more family than I was aware of the mondane things of feeding and walking the dog's, making sure every one has water and so forth, hearing voices on the other end of the line brings life into prospective.

Happy B-Day to me! All is well with my family!!

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