Saturday, September 27, 2008

Our Life

I tried to take some pictures today of the things I love the most around here, does anyone remember the phrase "batteries not included" well I do now, so use your imagination, the covey of quail flying away from Miss. Zoom Zoom (aka Bella) her first try at hunting must have been 50 or more, good year for babies. The rabbit left without a trace, but the stick got chewed into little pieces, go figure. Back to the pictures I missed, the baby lizzard teasing Bella on the other side of the screen, who would have thought a lizzard and a dog would play together, as long as they have a screen between them, should have seen it, oh I was going to take some pictures!

Gamma and Bear, I can't even begin to describe that, except to say she looks really good on him!!!

Niki teaching Bella the way in and out of the horse pens, not really a good thing but funny just the same, bouuncing over(or in the case of Bella) under the pannels, how I wish I had batteries.

4 dogs, 2cats, saddly 4 horse, yes we have pictures to share, if only I could remember the D..#$ BATTERIES

1 comment:

RenoGamma said...

I put batteries on the grocery list for you. Maybe that will help so we can take some pictures.