Monday, September 29, 2008

Cease Fire, We Have Rain...Sort of

Ok Gamma and I have a cease fire going, forcast for rain... 130+ days without any will bring all sides together, ah alas a 3ft circle with only 37 drops in it(actual count) does not count as rain, rest assured the truce still stands but we are gathering allies against the evil weather man who keeps promising RAIN and delivers only drops...

I can't believe I pray for rain, the pollen around here is so thick you can see it and the desert floor is so dry I'm afarid to fa%$# for fear that I will add to the explosive enviorement.

Rain, Rain, if I could do a rain dance I would but as you all know by now I'm white(and proud of it) and I can't dance, or jump, not a step, but how I wish it would rain!

P.S. Bella thought all 37 drops were, well interesting, chase or run, didn't have much of a chance to decide, they dried up really fast, but that was the first time she had to shake rain off.

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