Saturday, May 31, 2008

Good thing I went to work

Since I went to work I have received two paychecks. Hooray!

Since I went to work the brakes on my truck totally started growling and had to all be replaced.

Since I went to work our refrigerator quit working. Can it be fixed? Don't know yet. Hubby Honey is going to tear it apart to see.

To replace it we would have to spend a minimum or $600. That's for a small, very basic refrigerator. Would our power system support a regular electric refrigerator? Don't know. We had a very small (2 cubic feet) one we tried to use to supplement our current one. That small one took too much power and kept running our batteries down.

But the new ones today are supposed to be very energy efficient. Sure would hate to spend $600 or more to find out it wouldn't work with our power system though. The refrigerator we have now (the one that's not working) cost $800 ten years ago. Haven't checked yet to see how much another propane one would cost today.

So there go my first two paychecks, plus more. Good thing I like my job. Good thing I had my job.

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