Friday, November 28, 2008

Where Do I Start?

What a time we have had around here! As all our family knows we had a "No Good Very Bad Day" Nov 8 the day that at least around here will live in infamy!!!

We managed to move the blasted horse shelter some 50 ft. and then the last 2 inches got us, down it came. I managed to act like a 7th grade football player doing the monkey roll, only Reno Gamma wasn't as lucky as me. I got hit in the back of the foot while she, she got crushed under the entire thing!

Now for the "Rest of the story" The SCREAM, that sound will haunt me for the rest of my life, my wife, my beloved wife was trapped!!! I knew in an instant that she was hurt and being as clostraphobic as she is time was out of the question. Her biggest fear in life is being trapped some where that she can't see out of, or move.

"Jon Get Me Out Of Here!!!" Those were her exact words, as I came sliding to a stop next to where she was pinned I could see her face down and folded up like, I don't know how to describe it, it just looked unatural.

I tried to lift the roof but was not able, I grabbed a pole and with the help of 1000 or more angels managed to lift the roof just enough that Gamma was able to crawl out, one arm and one leg of no use and all I could do was lift and PRAY.

Now the real work started, first thing was to make sure she wasn't bleeding to death, nothing,nada so I gathered up our 2 helpers, Buster and Bear they were still in the pen with us and I had to get Gamma up to the house which would mean opening up the pen. God bless those 2 it was as if they knew something was wrong, they walked calmly to where I opened up Cookie's pen and she just stood there no running and bucking as would be the norm, just stood still while Buster and Bear came in for a visit.

I got the hay cart and pulled Gamma up to the house.

The dogs, what about the dogs. Bob, well he was going to make sure that Gamma was ok, thats his self appointed job, mamas protecter, the rest of them well they just want to help, in any way possible( mostly they are just in the way) I simply walked to the door to the back room and they all followed, just walked in and then Gamma could get into the house.

The steps! How do you get up the steps into the house when one arm doesn't work and one leg just hangs there? One butt cheek at a time.

In the house I was able to get a better look at her shoulder, that was all she would let me see, "Don't touch my knee" This was bad I figured she either had a broken collar bone or a dislocated shoulder. ER time.

How do get down the steps with one arm and one leg that just hangs there? One butt cheek at a time.

Fast forward, 12 hours latter we found out the whole story. Broken collar bone, shoulder blade and rib on the right side and crushed knee on the left side. Xrays and CAT scans,the same things they do for car wrecks, seat belts will do the same damage, but to the Dr's. amazement no internal injuries, no bleeding into the lungs and liver, kidneys working normal and no signs of damage to the heart muscle.

Back to the house and again I ask the same question, but you already know the answer. One butt cheek at a time.

Now what? What can we do? How do we do what we do? Well, we figured out how to do the normal things in life, I can cook for her, she can eat, I can feed all the critters (even change the cat box) ahh but going pee... well that took a bit of creative thinking, no I will spare you the details but think about it how do you when you don't have a bed pan and can't get on one anyway?

Surgey has come and gone, a steel plate and 8 screws latter, 16 staples removed and physical therapy started, a wheel chair and a path aroud the house, oh and by the way ONE TOUGH OLD BIRD cooks her own breakfast and lunch while I'm at work and is working her job at home, left handed and in a wheel chair that she runs around in opening doors for the dogs and getting people their pay checks, requesting little and doing a lot. God I love her!

6 weeks, just 6 weeks then the world had best watch out cause Reno Gamma will be back on her feet and me well I can go back to doing my part of the deal without worring about doing her part too, but most of all I will be able to hug her when I want and won't have to worry about bumping her arm in the middle of the night, I'll be able to hug her!

In the mean time, I'm off to fix nachos, the guacamole mix is in the fridge, how it will taste I have no clue,Gamma makes that, I did my best to follow the directions and well I need a little help on picking out the avacodos!

Happy Thanksgiving, We are blessed and so are you!

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