Saturday, November 29, 2008

I'm Alive!

Reno Gamma here. I know it's been awhile since I've been here to add to the blog. Hubby Honey (Gimpa Jon) has had to take over for a little while.

I am here today only by the grace of God. Hubby Honey and I are truly blessed! I am alive! Someday I may go into detail about how it feels to know I came really close to not being around anymore. Maybe the day I am finally able to take a walk with Hubby Honey and go take a look at the horse shelter that collapsed on me. I feel that will be a pretty emotional day.

Is this the end of my horse life? I hope not. I may never ride again, but I can still be involved with them. My neighbor says in eight weeks she is bringing her nice, calm mare down here, and we are going for a ride in the desert. I don't know about that. Wish I could say yes, loud and clear, YES! But, I can't. Being hurt is not fun. Oh, to be young again. To be able to fall down and get right back up and try again. But, I am not giving up, I am just getting up alot slower, taking alot more time to decide about the trying again. Somewhere inside I do feel like I will be back up on another horse. It wasn't a horse that did this to me. It's that fear factor of getting hurt again. Being on a horse there is always a possibility for an accident. Post tramatic stress syndrome? I'm sorry I don't sound very "up" today. But, I am alive! I will walk again. I am very happy!

I really want to thank all of you who prayed for me. Hope you all are having a great Thanksgiving Day Weekend.

Reno Gamma

1 comment:

Lani said...

Boy is it good to see a post from you!! :) Sorry you're not having an "up" day but SO GLAD to hear from you!