Monday, October 13, 2008

Sunday Visitors

You have family, step-family, in-laws, out-laws, and rif raf. These guys are the rif raf. The coyotes, not the horses.

Finally got these guys on camera.

These are our occasional visitors. Reluctantly, we let them come in for water. We had some snow this weekend (just a little), but before that, we hadn't had any measurable rain for about four months. Could we really chase them away? They only come for the water.

Just hope they don't end up with more than the water. We keep a very close eye on Bella, and the cats. And, actually, on Bob. He is getting pretty old, just like Gimpa and I. We all don't move quite as fast as we used to.

1 comment:

Lani said...

Oh my goodness! Kind of scary how close they get!