We call this the rifle desk for two reasons we know we will be rifling through it to find stuff and she got it on the day of the rifle guy down by work. Yes it really is black and red and white and yellow and real oak!
My question is who in their right mind would take a wonderful piece of wood like this and torture it? I mean they had to be republican right as opposed to a democrat, I mean think of Gitmo they don't torture but this was torture in the truest since of the word and all of us know that only a republican like G.W. would allow such things to take place. Nancy on the other hand would't have even allowed the tree to be cut down in the first place after all she does have a planet to save, got to love her like I love the damn coyotees that keep waking us up in the middle of the night sounding like they are right out side the door(actually have seen them within 25 ft of the front door)
OK back to the real reason for this post here are some pictures of before and in progress as the after will have to wait until we can get to the beginning, so to speek.
Boys and girls don't try this at home(disclamier form can be found,but don't know where) oops picture in the upper left corner was suppose to be here but I'm still learning and hey Gamma finally after three days of telling me I could name the pictures I figured out she meant the pictures not the group, got to love that woman!!!
( never mind we figuered this out,sort of)
Yes, that is a work in progress and as you can see it is going to be beatuiful when we get done.
B.O. says we need CHANGE, well hell yeh and here is the change that is needed! We still have a long way to go but the trip is worth the cost $21.00 gto to love that Gamma.
Just for giggles and grins and a little more practice at putting pictures in here try these. Aren't they cute!